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What’s New

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New Notification Platform in September 2024

Walmart is launching a new notification platform, designed to keep suppliers informed and connected with Walmart in real-time. The platform will introduce two new webhooks


New Functionality for Item Management API Calls & On Request Reports in June 2024

New Releases: June 2024 Walmart is launching new functionality for the Item Management API calls in June 2024.


API Deprecation Reminder May 2024

1P Supplier API Deprecation Walmart is deprecating the following API’s in May 2024. This means that API requests may be subject to failure and cause a business disruption.


On-Request Reports Launching with the DSV Inventory Report

Introducing our On-Demand Reporting Platform and the new “DSV Inventory” Report! At Walmart, we’re committed to providing innovative solutions to continuously improve our 1P Supplier experience.


Item Setup & Maintenance by Product Type, New Authentication, & Sandbox

New Releases: August and September 2023 Walmart is releasing API access for all 1P suppliers, along with a revised suite of item setup and maintenance API requests and a new testing environment soon.


New DSV Inventory and Lag Time Management APIs

Walmart is releasing new API’s for Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) Suppliers to manage their item inventory and order lag time more efficiently and accurately.
