New DSV Inventory and Lag Time Management APIs
Walmart is releasing new API’s for Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) Suppliers to manage their item inventory and order lag time more efficiently and accurately. For enhanced accuracy, the primary identifier will be global trade item number (GTIN). As well, a new Read API has been created, and new versions of Post API’s have been launched to reduce the number of system calls required.
Inventory API
- Walmart has changed the primary identifier used for inventory updates from the stock keeping unit (SKU) to global trade item number (GTIN).
- POST requests: Global trade item number (GTIN) will be the only primary identifier accepted for new released versions.
- GET requests: Both stock keeping unit (SKU) and global trade item number (GTIN) will be supported when reading inventory levels.
- POST Update Bulk Item/Node schema update: A new version (v2.X) with a flattened request structure resulting in an improved processing time.
- New GET Single Item/Multiple Nodes read request: Enables the user to view inventory levels for a single item across many ship nodes. This includes two new attributes in addition to on-hand inventory: reserved inventory for customer orders, and the inventory amount that is available to sell.
Lag Time API
The primary identifier used to update lag time has changed from stock keeping unit (SKU) to global trade item number (GTIN).
- POST request: Global trade item number (GTIN) will be the only primary identifier accepted for new released versions.
- GET requests: Both stock keeping unit (SKU) and global trade item number (GTIN) will be supported.
Only business-approved suppliers will have access or permissions to update and access Lag Time requests. If suppliers do not have access to the Lag Time API, they can obtain access by contacting the Walmart Drop Ship Vending (DSV) Business Operations team.