Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What SLA can I expect on different case types?
A: Walmart Connect strives to respond to each case within 48 hours, but resolution times may vary based on complexity of the item at hand. Onboardings may turnaround within 24 hours whereas technical escalations may require additional time.
Q: Why do some advertisers require a W9?
A: Walmart Connect requires a W9 to publish the billing account associated with the advertising account for sellers, suppliers, and billing agencies. A W9 is not required in many cases, therefore Walmart Connect does not request it on each and every onboarding request. Some advertisers may choose to provide a W9 upfront, to avoid back and forth.
Q: Where can the seller/supplier find their Seller or Supplier ID?
A: Sellers can find their Partner ID (synonymous with Seller ID) in the first column of their catalog report from the Seller Center. Suppliers can find their Vendor ID (synonymous with Supplier ID) in the first column of their catalog report from the Supplier Center.
Q: How does WMC bill?
A: Walmart Connect can bill the supplier or a separate billing agency for 1p/Suppliers. We strongly recommend confirming with the advertiser that they are OK to receive one invoice for spend. If the advertiser requires separate invoices split-up by department, business unit (etc.), then they should create a separate advertiser account for each of those separate billing streams. For 3P/Sellers, please refer to the Sponsored Search Billing Policy for further information.
Q: Will ‘Live’ campaigns that were imported from a legacy account to a new account launch automatically in the new account?
A: No. The campaigns that were automatically imported when the new account was created will be in a ‘draft’ state. In order to launch the campaigns in the new account, we first recommend pausing the ‘Live’ campaigns in the legacy account (to avoid self-competition), and then enabling the campaigns in the new account to go ‘Live’.
Q: What will the status of the campaign and it’s contents be when imported from the legacy account to the newly onboarded account?
A: All imported Sponsored Search campaigns will be in ‘Proposal’ status. All entities within a Sponsored Products campaign (Ad Group(s), Ad Item(s), Keyword(s)) will have the same status in the new account as it did in the legacy advertising account. For Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Videos campaigns, all entities will be in ‘pending’ status requiring a review in order to launch.
Q: Are we approved to release a client for the Walmart Connect advertising APIs via developer communities (i.e. GitHub) that would be publicly available?
A: Given the Walmart Connect Sponsored Search APIs are currently closed to the general public, we do not encourage pursuing this path. If you decide you would like to proceed, please reach out to your partner development manager for guidance as there are restrictions on what can be shared (e.g., developer page content only, disclaimers, etc.). Please note that Walmart Connect does not issue joint press releases on any libraries released to developer communities. As a result, we will reject any requests for a public announcement as these libraries are not owned, validated, nor maintained by Walmart.
Q: Why am I receiving the error “You do not have access to this advertiser” when making an API request despite being granted access?
A: This is an expected error that occurs when a Partner with Reporting-only API access attempts to make an API request that isn’t within scope of the Reporting-only operations. Reporting-only Partners are not able to perform any tasks related to Campaign Management (including Campaign Creation, Editing, and Optimization) via the API and will receive this error when attempting to request any API Operations outside of all GET API Operations as and all POST snapshot reporting endpoints.
Q: How are Display API advertisers onboarded?
A. API Partners must submit a completed Display Onboarding Form via Salesforce Case Management portal as an “onboarding case”
Q: How are Sponsored Search API advertisers onboarded?
A. API Partners can be enabled by their advertisers/clients via Streamlined Activation. The Admin on the advertiser account is able to grant access for new API partners. There is a maximum of 10 API partners allowed per each Search advertiser account.
Q: When is Walmart Ad Center data available via API?
A. API data is refreshed and made available daily by 10-11am PST for T-1 data. If you are making API calls prior to that time, you will end up with data for T-2 days. Occasionally there are data delays and you may end up with partial reporting data. If you run into this issue, please submit a Case under “outage” to report the issue.
Q: What time zone is Display API and UI in?
A. Eastern Time (EST)
Q: What time zone is Sponsored Search API and UI in?
A. Pacific Time (PST)
Q: What languages are supported in Display API/UI?
A: English-only
Q: What pages do I need to bookmark in the Developer Portal as I get started on my API integration?
A: Display:
A: Sponsored Search:
Q: My API calls are not going through. I am receiving an error code, what can I do?
A: Check the API status code and errors reference page to help identify what the issue is. If you’re unable to resolve from there, submit a Case through Salesforce to escalate the issue.
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