Request an item report
The Item report version 4 is a new report that you can request on-demand. The on-request item report is restructured with different column names and locations.
Once the report is available, you can download it to return all the information associated with your items that are set up on Walmart’s platform.
On 28 September, 2022, Item report version 4 launched with Buy Box eligible data.
On 12 April, 2022, Item report version 3 launched with item variant data. A variant group is a group of individual items that differ by only a few attributes.
On 14 Oct, 2021, Item report version 2 launched with repricer data. The Repricer is a new tool that can help sellers enable automatic price adjustments for items in their catalog. The prices are adjusted based on triggers such as the Buy Box offer prices or external site prices depending on the strategy that sellers select and assign to their items.
Note: All example API calls shown assume the Walmart API endpoint:
Report field descriptions
The CSV report file contains the following fields. The identifiers can be specified by either the seller or Walmart.
Field | Description | Origin |
SKU | Unique identifier for the item | Seller |
Item ID | Unique Item ID | Walmart |
Product Name | Name of the item | Seller |
Lifecycle Status | The offer lifecycle status | Walmart |
Publish Status | Whether the item is published on | Walmart |
Status Change Reason | Reason for status change | Walmart |
Product Category | The category of this item. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested | Walmart |
Price | The current price of the item | Seller |
Currency | The currency of the item price | Seller |
Buy Box Item Price | Buy box winner’s item price | Walmart |
Buy Box Shipping Price | Buy box winner’s price to ship item | Walmart |
Buy Box Eligible | Indicates if the offer is eligible for the Buy Box. Go to the Pricing Rules article for more details. If the offer is eligible for Buy Box, the value will be Yes. If not, the value will be No. | Walmart |
MSRP | Manufacturer’s suggested retail price. This is not the price that Walmart customers will pay for your product | Seller |
Product Tax Code | This is a seven-digit product tax code that identifies the amount of sales tax that should be collected for individual items | Seller |
Ship Methods | Shipping methods available for each item | Seller |
Shipping Weight | The weight of the item when packaged to ship | Seller |
Fulfillment Lag Time | The number of days between when an item is ordered and when it is shipped | Seller |
Fulfillment Type | Specifies the method of fulfillment the SKU is set to. Possible values include WFS Eligible, Walmart Fulfilled, or Seller Fulfilled. WFS Eligible means the item has been converted to the WFS program, but still being fulfilled by the seller. | Walmart |
WFS Sales Restriction | Specifies the current WFS-eligible item SKU sales restrictions for either a Zip code or state code that is restricted for sale either by reason: Commercial, Illegal for Sale, or None. For more details, see Restrict item sale by state or ZIP code. Example values: state codes (e.g. CA, TX) or ZIP codes (for example, 94112, 94546, 94568). | Seller & Walmart |
WPID | The Walmart Product ID assigned by Walmart to the item when listed on | Walmart |
GTIN | The item’s Global Trade Item Number. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested. | Walmart |
UPC | The item’s Universal Product Code. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested. | Walmart |
Item Page URL | URL for item page on | Walmart |
Primary Image URL | URL for primary image | Walmart |
Shelf Name | Walmart assigned an item shelf name | Walmart |
Primary Category Path | The primary item category path on | Walmart |
Brand | Name, term, design or other feature that distinguishes one seller’s product from those of others. This can be the name of the company associated with the product. | Seller |
Offer Start Date | Date at which the item becomes visible on | Seller |
Offer End Date | Date after which the item will not be visible on | Seller |
Item Creation Date | The system timestamp date when an item was created | Walmart |
Item Last Updated | The system timestamp date when an item was updated | Walmart |
Reviews Count | The total number of customer reviews for the item | Walmart |
Average Rating | An average rating number for the item from customers | Walmart |
Searchable? | Signifies how easy it is to find an item on | Walmart |
Variant Group Id | Unique ID that was created to identify all the items in the variant group | Seller |
Primary Variant? | Variant item selected as primary when the group was created | Seller |
Variant Grouping Attributes | Variants vary by these attributes in the variant group | Seller |
Variant Grouping Values | All values assigned to the variant attributes | Seller |
Competitor URL | Competitor’s website URL | Walmart |
Competitor Price | Competitor’s item price | Walmart |
Competitor Ship Price | Competitor’s price to ship item | Walmart |
Competitor Last Date Fetched | Date when the competitor’s data was last fetched | Walmart |
Repricer Strategy | The rule based actions that the sellers wishes to assign to their items. e.g. “Beat Buy Box Price” adjusts seller prices to beat the Buy Box Price. “Meet/Beat External Price” adjusts seller prices to meet/beat other site prices | Seller |
Minimum Seller Allowed Price | Offer’s floor/lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell it for | Seller |
Maximum Seller Allowed Price | Offer’s ceiling/highest price at which the seller is willing to sell it for | Seller |
Repricer Status | The last repricing action taken on seller item | Walmart |
Updated about 2 months ago