Update Existing Ad Group- Creative association
Note: PUT API requests will overwrite all current values and are not intended to be used as incremental updates like PATCH operations
Update click URLs and 3p trackers for creatives previously added to ad group, by specifying the request parameters.
Note: This API supports batch operations with a max batch size of 5. For bulk operation, the advertiserId must be the same across all requests in the payload
URL: PUT/api/v1/adGroupCreativeAssociations
Request Parameters
Parameter | Notes | Type | Required | Possible Values |
advertiserId | The ID of the advertiser | integer | Y | Unique numeric identifier |
adGroupId | The ID of the ad group | integer | Y | Unique numeric identifier |
creativeId | The ID of creative that has been previously added and is scheduled for an update | string | Y | Unique numeric identifier |
urlTracker | Use this parameter to Specify click URLs and 3P trackers for each ad unit. It is an array holding following elements:
| string |
Sample Request
curl -X PUT \
'https://developer.api.us.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/display/api/v1/api/v1/adGroupCreativeAssociations ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: abcde-v123-fa2r-a1fs-asd45f6qef' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \ --data '[ { "advertiserId" : 1, "adGroupId" : 1, "creativeId" : "abcd-1234", "urlTracker" : [ { "adUnit" : "MARQUEE", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+mweb", "clickUrlApp" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+app", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.net", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "https://test.net", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "iasClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "dvClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "desktopMWebTag" : "https://test.com/abc.js" }, { "adUnit" : "GALLERY", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+mweb", "clickUrlApp" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+app", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.net", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "https://test.net", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "iasClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "dvClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "desktopMWebTag" : "https://test.com/abc.js" } ] }
]' Sample Request (Batch Operation) curl -X PUT \
'https://developer.api.us.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/display/api/v1/api/v1/adGroupCreativeAssociations ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: abcde-v123-fa2r-a1fs-asd45f6qef' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \ --data '[ { "advertiserId" : 1, "adGroupId" : 1, "creativeId" : "abcd-1234", "urlTracker" : [ { "adUnit" : "MARQUEE", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+mweb", "clickUrlApp" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+app", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.net", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "https://test.net", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "iasClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "dvClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "desktopMWebTag" : "https://test.com/abc.js" }, { "adUnit" : "GALLERY", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+mweb", "clickUrlApp" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+app", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.net", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "https://test.net", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "iasClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "dvClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "desktopMWebTag" : "https://test.com/abc.js" } ] }, { "advertiserId" : 1, "adGroupId" : 1, "creativeId" : "abcd-1234", "urlTracker" : [ { "adUnit" : "MARQUEE", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+mweb", "clickUrlApp" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+app", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.net", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "https://test.net", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "iasClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "dvClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "desktopMWebTag" : "https://test.com/abc.js" }, { "adUnit" : "GALLERY", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+mweb", "clickUrlApp" : "https://www.test.com/search?q=test+url+desktop+app", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.net", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "https://test.net", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "iasClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "https://test.com/abd.jpeg", "dvClickUrlApp" : "https://test.com/def.jpeg", "desktopMWebTag" : "https://test.com/abc.js" } ] } ]'
Element | Description | Type |
code | The response code can have following values: • success • failure | string |
details | Details will populate success or error message depending upon value of code | string |
adGroupId | ID of the ad group being updated | integer |
creativeId | ID of the creative | string |
Sample Response
[ { "code": "success", "details": "ADGROUP_CREATIVE_ASSOCIATION_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY", "adGroupId": 1, "creativeId": "abcd-1234" }
Sample Response(Batch Operation)
[ { "code": "success", "details": ["string"], "adGroupId": 1, "creativeId": "abcd-1234" }, { "code": "failure", "details": ["string"], "adGroupId": 1, "creativeId": "abcd-12345" }
Updated about 2 months ago