Update Existing Ad Group


URL: PUT/api/v1/adGroups


  • This API supports batch operations with a max batch size of 10. For bulk operation, the advertiserId must be the same across all requests in the payload.
  • Updating multiple ad groups with different targeting types is supported in Bulk. For example: A single bulk payload can include one ad group update request with keyword targeting and another ad group update request with contextual targeting.
  • PUT API requests will overwrite all current values and are not intended to be used as incremental updates like PATCH operations
  • You must set all of budgetType, dailyBudget, totalBudget, startDate, endDate, and deliverySpeed parameters at same level i.e. either at campaign level or ad group level

Request Parameters

ParametersNotesTypeRequiredPossible Values
campaignIdID of the campaign this ad group belongs tointegerYUnique numeric identifier
advertiserIdID of advertiserintegerYUnique numeric identifier
adGroupIdThe ID of the ad groupintegerYUnique numeric identifier
nameThe name of the ad groupstringYRelevant string value representing the ad group
descriptionCampaign description
Note: Limit on length of campaign description is 240 characters
stringNProvide valid description corresponding to campaign type
objectiveCampaign objectivestringNValues:
β€’ awareness
β€’ engagement
β€’ conversion
Note: Default value for objective will be awareness, unless specified
campaignTypeThe type of the campaign

- You can not update campaignType

- Only value supported currently is 'ngd'
stringNValues of campaignType: ngd
startDatedate on which the ad group is set to go live

- it must be set either at campaign or ad group level
- You can update startDate only for DRAFT and SCHEDULED ad groups
- You can not update startDate when ad group is LIVE
dateNDate should be in format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX
endDateThe date when ad group ends
Note: it must be set either at campaign or ad group level
dateNDate should be in format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

To run campaign indefinitely, set its value as β€˜9999-12-30T00:00:00Z’
budgetTypeThe type of budget allocation you want to choose for your campaign


- it must be set either at campaign or ad group level_
- You can not update budgetType

- daily
- total
dailyBudgetDaily budget of ad group

- Daily budget cannot exceed your total budget amount
- Unspent budget will be rolled over to the next day
- Up to 20% of the daily budget can be rolled over to the following day
- it must be set either at campaign or ad group level
doubleThis field is required only if:

- It is not
set at campaign level

- budgetType is set to be daily
The value of daily budget should at least be $0.01
totalBudgetTotal budget of campaign
Note: it must be set either at campaign or ad group level
doubleThis field is required only if:
-It is not
set at campaign level

-budgetType is set to be total
The value of total budget should at least be $0.01
deliverySpeedDetermines pacing of ad delivery

- it must be set either at campaign or ad group level_
- You can update it only for campaigns in DRAFT state
- You cannot update deliverySpeed when ad group is LIVE
- You can update deliverySpeed only for DRAFT ad groups

- frontloaded
- evenly
Note: frontloaded pacing is not supported if budgetType is daily
frequencyCapDayThe number of times the ad from specific adgroup should be shown to the same user on a daily basisintegerNInteger values between 1 and 511
frequencyCapWeekThe number of times the ad from specific adgroup should be shown to the same user on a weekly basisintegerNInteger values between 3 and 511
frequencyCapMonthThe number of times the ad from specific adgroup should be shown to the same user on a monthly basisintegerNInteger values between 5 and 511
baseBidstarting bid for the ad groupdoubleNValue of base bid
maxBidmax bid value for the ad groupdoubleNValue of max bid
targetingA nested array element that contains updated targeting details with the following elements:

table design css needed
stringThe values:
β€’ keywords
β€’ contextual
β€’ behavioral
β€’ runOfSite
β€’ geoTargets


  • You must set all of: budgetType, dailyBudget, totalBudget, startDate, endDate, and deliverySpeed parameters at same level i.e. either at campaign level or ad group level
  • Budget, schedule and delivery speed must be set either at campaign or ad group level

Sample Request

curl -X PUT \
'https://developer.api.us.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/display/api/v1/api/v1/adGroups' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: abcde-v123-fa2r-a1fs-asd45f6qef' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \ --data '[ { "campaignId": 1, "advertiserId": 1, "adGroupId": 1, "name": "string", "startDate": "string", "endDate": "string", "rateType" : "cpm", "budgetType": "string", "dailyBudget": 0.0, /*Only one of these fields is required based upon the budgetType you choose*/ "totalBudget": 0.0, /*Only one of these fields is required based upon the budgetType you choose*/ "deliverySpeed": "frontloaded", /*frontloaded pacing is not supported if budgetType is daily*/ "frequencyCapDay": 0, "frequencyCapWeek": 0, "frequencyCapMonth": 0, "baseBid": 0.0, "maxBid": 0.0, "targeting": { "and": [ { "contextual": [ { "id": 3454, "reach": "tier_1" }, { "id": 245245, "reach": "tier_2" } ] }, { "geoTargets": [
{ "id": 134 }, { "id": 356 }, { "id": 23233 } ] } ] } }

Sample Request (Batch Operation)

curl -X PUT \
'https://developer.api.us.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/display/api/v1/api/v1/adGroups' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: abcde-v123-fa2r-a1fs-asd45f6qef' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \ --data '[ { "campaignId": 1, "advertiserId": 1, "adGroupId": 1, "name": "string", "startDate": "string", "endDate": "string", "rateType" : "string", "budgetType": "string", "dailyBudget": 0.0, /*Only one of these fields is required based upon the budgetType you choose*/ "totalBudget": 0.0, /*Only one of these fields is required based upon the budgetType you choose*/ "deliverySpeed": "frontloaded", /*frontloaded pacing is not supported if budgetType is daily*/ "frequencyCapDay": 0, "frequencyCapWeek": 0, "frequencyCapMonth": 0, "baseBid": 0.0, "maxBid": 0.0, "targeting": { "and": [ { "contextual": [ { "id": 3454, "reach": "tier_1" }, { "id": 245245, "reach": "tier_2" } ] }, { "geoTargets": [
{ "id": 134 }, { "id": 356 }, { "id": 23233 } ] } ] } }, { "campaignId": 1, "advertiserId": 1, "adGroupId": 2, "name": "string", "startDate": "string", "endDate": "string", "rateType": "string", "budgetType": "string", "dailyBudget": 0.0, "totalBudget": 0.0, "deliverySpeed": "string", "frequencyCapDay": 0, "frequencyCapWeek": 0, "frequencyCapMonth": 0, "baseBid": 0.0, "maxBid": 0.0, "targeting": { "and": [ { "keywords": [ { "keywordText": "test-keyword-1", "matchType": "BROAD" }, { "keywordText": "test-keyword-2", "matchType": "EXACT" } ], "not": [ { "keywords": [ { "keywordText": "test-keyword-negative", "matchType": "BROAD" } ] } ] }, { "geoTargets": [ { "zipCode":"35004" } ] } ] } }


codeThe response code can have following values:
β€’ success
β€’ failure
detailsDetails will populate success or error message depending upon value of codestring
adGroupIdID of the Ad Group being updatedinteger

Sample Response

[ { "code": "success", "details":"string", "adGroupId": 11 } ] 

Sample Response (Batch Operation)

[ { "code": "success", "details": "string", "adGroupId": 11 }, { "code": "failure", "details": ["string"], "adGroupId": 12 } ]