The state transitions for campaigns and ad groups follow this sequence:
An ad group is in:
- DRAFT: when created
- SCHEDULED: moves to SCHEDULED (within 15 minutes) once all preconditions* are met
- LIVE: goes LIVE on their start date
- PAUSED: can be PAUSED by the user
- COMPLETED: marked COMPLETED on their end date
- Campaign Status is governed by the status of its ad groups. A campaign is in:
- DRAFT: when created
- SCHEDULED if at least one of its ad group is SCHEDULED
- LIVE if at least one its ad group is LIVE
- PAUSED if all its ad groups are PAUSED
- COMPLETED if all its ad groups are COMPLETED
- Resuming PAUSED campaigns/ad groups: Resumed campaigns/ad groups revert to DRAFT, and transitions restart
Note: Preconditions: Objective, Budget, Bid, Schedule, Targeting (e.g., approved keywords for keyword)
Ad Group API limitations:
- Limit on length of ad group name is 1024 characters
- Limit on number of keywords in an ad group is 200
- Limit on number of negative keywords in an ad group is 100
- Limit on number of campaigns per account is 5000
- Limit on number of ad groups per account is 15000
- There is no limit on number of ad groups in a campaign
- For APIs that support batch operations, the maximum batch size is 10
- date values passed in all API requests will be converted to EST timezone internally
Kindly be aware that when making a request, the Enum values are not case-sensitive. For instance, the value 'CONTEXTUAL' can be input as either 'CONTEXTUAL' or 'contextual' and both will be accepted. This applies only to requests.
In responses, however, Enum values can be returned in uppercase or title case
Updated 21 days ago