List Creatives added to Ad Group(s)
List creative(s) previously added to ad group, by specifying the request parameters
URL: POST/api/v1/adGroupCreativeAssociations/list
Request Parameters
Parameter | Parameter Description | Type | Required | Possible Values |
advertiserId | ID of advertiser | integer | Y | Unique numeric identifier |
Filter[adGroupId] | returns response for specific ad group IDs listed. Note: Max size is 25 | integer | At least one of Filter[adGroupId] or Filter[creativeId] must be included in the request | Unique numeric identifier |
Filter[creativeId] | returns response for specific creative Ids listed. Note: Max size is 25 | string | At least one of Filter[adGroupId] or Filter[creativeId] must be included in the request | Unique numeric identifier |
Filter[lastModifiedDate] | Returns list of creative ad group associations created/modified after the date specified | date | Date should be in format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX | |
startIndex | You can use this parameter to fetch specific number of creative ad group associations from a list. This indicates the starting position of the list Note: To return the first ten adGroupCreativeAssociations, set startIndex=0 and count=10 | integer | N | Valid integer value. |
count | You can use this parameter in combination with startIndex to fetch specific number of creative ad group associations from a list. Note: To return the first ten adGroupCreativeAssociations, set startIndex=0 & defaultCount=100, maxCount=100, minCount=1 | integer | N | Valid integer value |
- At least one of Filter[adGroupId] or Filter[creativeId] must be included in the request
- If you pass only Filter[adGroupId] - details of creative ad group association for specified adGroupIds are returned
- If you pass only Filter[creativeId] - details of creative ad group association for the specified creativeIds are returned
- If you pass both Filter[adGroupId] and Filter[creativeId]: details of creative ad group associations for the matching combination of adGroupIds and creativeIds from the list specified, are returned
Sample Request
curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: abcde-v123-fa2r-a1fs-asd45f6qef' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \
--data '{ "advertiserId": 1, "Filter[adGroupId]": [123,234,345], "Filter[creativeId]": ["creative1","creative2"], "Filter[lastModifiedDate]": "string", "startIndex": 0, "count": 10 }'
Element | Description | Type |
totalResults | Total number of rows returned in the response | integer |
response is an array holding following elements:
Sample Response
{ "totalResults": 2, "response": [ { "advertiserId" : 1, "adGroupId" : 1, "creativeId" : "abcd-1234", "urlTracker" : [ { "adUnit" : "MARQUEE", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "clickUrlApp" : "", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "iasClickUrlApp" : "", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "dvClickUrlApp" : "", "desktopMWebTag" : "" }, { "adUnit" : "GALLERY", "clickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "clickUrlApp" : "", "dcmClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "dcmClickUrlApp" : "", "iasClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "iasClickUrlApp" : "", "dvClickUrlDesktopMWeb" : "", "dvClickUrlApp" : "", "desktopMWebTag" : "" } ] } ]
Updated about 2 months ago