List Creative Adgroup Association API

Error Response CodeError Description
ADGROUP_IDS_LIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDMaximum number of adgroup Ids allowed for the filter is reached
CAMPAIGN_IDS_LIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDMaximum number of campaign Ids allowed for the filter is reached
INVALID_INPUT_MANDATORY_FIELD_EITHER_CREATIVE_IDS_OR_ADGROUP_IDSBoth adgroupIds and creativeIds cannot be empty or null
INVALID_INPUT_VALUES_ADGROUP_IDAdgroupId passed cannot be null or 0
INVALID_INPUT_DUPLICATES_ADGROUP_IDDuplicate adgroupIds are not allowed
INVALID_INPUT_VALUES_CREATIVE_IDCreativeId passed cannot be blank
INVALID_INPUT_DUPLICATES_CREATIVE_IDSame creativeIds are not allowed multiple times
INVALID_INPUT_OFFSETOffset should not be less than 0
INVALID_INPUT_LIMITLimit should be greater than 0 and smaller than 1000