Itemset Create & Update APIs

Error Response CodeError Description
BRANDBASED_ITEMSETS_MUST_HAVE_NONEMPTYBRANDSLIST_AND_EMPTYITEMLISTFor type brand, brands should not be empty and items has to be empty or null
ITEMBASED_ITEMSETS_MUST_HAVE_NONEMPTYITEMSLIST_AND_EMPTYBRANDLISTFor type item, items should not be empty and brands has to be empty or null
ITEMSET_UPDATE_ONLY_ALLOWED_FOR_BUILT_OR_INVALID_STATUSItemset update is only allowed if status is either BUILT or INVALID
ITEMSET_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED_FROM_ITEMS_TO_BRANDS_ITEMSETCannot change the Itemset from item based to brand based
ITEMSET_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED_FROM_BRANDS_TO_ITEMS_ITEMSETCannot change the Itemset from Brand based to Item based
INVALID_ITEMSET_IDThe itemset id passed either is not built or does not exist or does not belong to the advertiser
ITEM_SET_API_EXCEPTIONThere was an error while creating/updating an item-set
INVALID_FIELD_ITEM_TYPEInvalid field value. Supported values for itemType are [gtin, stores, online, upc]
INVALID_ITEMSET_IDThe itemset id passed either is not built or does not exist or does not belong to the advertiser
ITEM_SET_API_EXCEPTIONThere was an error while creating/updating an item-set