Folders CRUD API

Error Response CodeError Description
CANNOT_DELETE_FOLDER_WITH_SUBMITTED_CREATIVESFolder contains submitted creatives which cannot be deleted
FOLDER_ALREADY_CLONEDFolder has already been cloned
FOLDER_CANNOT_BE_MOVEDFolder cannot be moved to destination provided
FOLDER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTSFolder name already exists
FOLDER_NOT_FOUNDFolder not found
INVALID_DATE_FORMATInvalid date format, has to be either of format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
INVALID_FIELD_START_INDEXInvalid start index, cannot be less than 0
INVALID_FIELD_COUNTInvalid count, has to be between 1 and 100
MISSING_FIELD_FOLDER_IDMissing folderId from request
MISSING_FIELD_FOLDER_NAMEMissing folderName from request
TOO_MANY_RESOURCES_TO_CLONEFolder cannot be cloned if there are over 1000 resources
TOO_MANY_RESOURCES_TO_DELETEFolder cannot be deleted if there are over 1000 resources