Definition of Various Parameters Generated Across the Snapshot Reports

ElementDescriptionTypeElement Type
accAttributedFeaturedOrders14daysTotal attributed ACC orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedFeaturedOrders30daysTotal attributed ACC orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedFeaturedSales14daysTotal attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedFeaturedSales30daysTotal attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedFeaturedUnits14daysTotal attributed ACC units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedFeaturedUnits30daysTotal attributed ACC units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedHaloOrders14daysTotal attributed ACC orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedHaloOrders30daysTotal attributed ACC orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedHaloSales14daysTotal attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedHaloSales30daysTotal attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedHaloUnits14daysTotal attributed ACC units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedHaloUnits30daysTotal attributed ACC units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedOrders14daysTotal attributed ACC orders placed within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedOrders30daysTotal attributed ACC orders placed within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedSales14daysTotal attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedSales30daysTotal attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedUnits14daysTotal attributed ACC units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
accAttributedUnits30daysTotal attributed ACC units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
adSpendThe amount of budget spent in dollarsdoubleMetric
attributedFeaturedOrders14daysTotal attributed orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedFeaturedOrders30daysTotal attributed orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedFeaturedSales14daysTotal attributed sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedFeaturedSales30daysTotal attributed sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedFeaturedUnits14daysTotal attributed units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedFeaturedUnits30daysTotal attributed units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedHaloOrders14daysTotal attributed orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedHaloOrders30daysTotal attributed orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedHaloSales14daysTotal attributed sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedHaloSales30daysTotal attributed sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedHaloUnits14daysTotal attributed units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedHaloUnits30daysTotal attributed units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedOrders14daysTotal attributed orders placed within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedOrders30daysTotal attributed orders placed within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedOrdersPctPercentage of total attributed orders contributed by the item over the selected date rangedoubleMetric
attributedSales14daysTotal attributed sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedSales30daysTotal attributed sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedSalesPctPercentage of total attributed sales contributed by the item over the selected date rangedoubleMetric
attributedUnits14daysTotal attributed units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributedUnits30daysTotal attributed units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
attributionWindowAttribution window can be one of the following: days14, days30stringDimension
brandName of the advertiser’s brandstringDimension
campaignExtIdIdentifier for a campaign in the ad server. Only campaigns that has gone live will have an external IdstringDimension
campaignNameName of the campaignstringDimension
categoryCategories of the items in your item setstringDimension
dateSpecific day and time for which the report is pulleddateDimension
deliveryAttributedFeaturedOrders14daysTotal attributed delivery orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedFeaturedOrders30daysTotal attributed delivery orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedFeaturedSales14daysTotal attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedFeaturedSales30daysTotal attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedFeaturedUnits14daysTotal attributed delivery units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedFeaturedUnits30daysTotal attributed delivery units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedHaloOrders14daysTotal attributed delivery orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedHaloOrders30daysTotal attributed delivery orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedHaloSales14daysTotal attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedHaloSales30daysTotal attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedHaloUnits14daysTotal attributed delivery units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedHaloUnits30daysTotal attributed delivery units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedOrders14daysTotal attributed delivery orders placed within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedOrders30daysTotal attributed delivery orders placed within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedSales14daysTotal attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedSales30daysTotal attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedUnits14daysTotal attributed delivery units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
deliveryAttributedUnits30daysTotal attributed delivery units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
itemIdId of the itemstringDimension
itemNameName of the itemstringDimension
itemsetTypeItemset type can be one of the following: halo, featured, totalstringDimension
lineItemExtIdIdentifier for a Line item in the ad server. Only Line items that has gone live will have an external IdstringDimension
lineItemNameName of the line item under a particular campaignstringDimension
numAdsClicksNumber of Ad clicksintegerMetric
numAdsShownNumber of Ads shownintegerMetric
orderFrequencyNumber of times buyers have purchased measured items within 12 months before the campaign start

Enum:new = New buyers1_time = Purchased 1 time2_time = Purchased 2 times3_time = Purchased 3 times and above
pickupAttributedFeaturedOrders14daysTotal attributed pickup orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedFeaturedOrders30daysTotal attributed pickup orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedFeaturedSales14daysTotal attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedFeaturedSales30daysTotal attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedFeaturedUnits14daysTotal attributed pickup units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedFeaturedUnits30daysTotal attributed pickup units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedHaloOrders14daysTotal attributed pickup orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedHaloOrders30daysTotal attributed pickup orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedHaloSales14daysTotal attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedHaloSales30daysTotal attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedHaloUnits14daysTotal attributed pickup units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedHaloUnits30daysTotal attributed pickup units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedOrders14daysTotal attributed pickup orders placed within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedOrders30daysTotal attributed pickup orders placed within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedSales14daysTotal attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedSales30daysTotal attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedUnits14daysTotal attributed pickup units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pickupAttributedUnits30daysTotal attributed pickup units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
pointOfSalePossible values are Overall, In-store, Pickup, or DeliverystringDimension
salesChannelSales channel for the transaction can be one of the following: stores, online, pickup, deliverystringDimension
storeAttributedFeaturedOrders14daysTotal attributed store orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedFeaturedOrders30daysTotal attributed store orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedFeaturedSales14daysTotal attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedFeaturedSales30daysTotal attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedFeaturedUnits14daysTotal attributed store units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedFeaturedUnits30daysTotal attributed store units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedHaloOrders14daysTotal attributed store orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedHaloOrders30daysTotal attributed store orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedHaloSales14daysTotal attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedHaloSales30daysTotal attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedHaloUnits14daysTotal attributed store units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedHaloUnits30daysTotal attributed store units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedOrders14daysTotal attributed store orders placed within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedOrders30daysTotal attributed store orders placed within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedSales14daysTotal attributed store sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedSales30daysTotal attributed store sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedUnits14daysTotal attributed store units sold within 14 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
storeAttributedUnits30daysTotal attributed store units sold within 30 days of ad exposuredoubleMetric
tacticType of targeting tactic used in line itemstringDimension
totalBuyers14DaysBuyers that have purchased measured items based on a 14 day attribution window.doubleMetric
totalBuyers30DaysBuyers that have purchased measured items based on a 30 day attribution window.doubleMetric
validBidsThe number of bids submitted eligible to windoubleMetric