Definition of Various Parameters Generated Across the Snapshot Reports
Element | Description | Type | Element Type |
accAttributedFeaturedOrders14days | Total attributed ACC orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedFeaturedOrders30days | Total attributed ACC orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedFeaturedSales14days | Total attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedFeaturedSales30days | Total attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedFeaturedUnits14days | Total attributed ACC units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedFeaturedUnits30days | Total attributed ACC units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedHaloOrders14days | Total attributed ACC orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedHaloOrders30days | Total attributed ACC orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedHaloSales14days | Total attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedHaloSales30days | Total attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedHaloUnits14days | Total attributed ACC units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedHaloUnits30days | Total attributed ACC units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedOrders14days | Total attributed ACC orders placed within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedOrders30days | Total attributed ACC orders placed within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedSales14days | Total attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedSales30days | Total attributed ACC sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedUnits14days | Total attributed ACC units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
accAttributedUnits30days | Total attributed ACC units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
adSpend | The amount of budget spent in dollars | double | Metric |
attributedFeaturedOrders14days | Total attributed orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedFeaturedOrders30days | Total attributed orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedFeaturedSales14days | Total attributed sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedFeaturedSales30days | Total attributed sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedFeaturedUnits14days | Total attributed units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedFeaturedUnits30days | Total attributed units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedHaloOrders14days | Total attributed orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedHaloOrders30days | Total attributed orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedHaloSales14days | Total attributed sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedHaloSales30days | Total attributed sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedHaloUnits14days | Total attributed units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedHaloUnits30days | Total attributed units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedOrders14days | Total attributed orders placed within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedOrders30days | Total attributed orders placed within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedOrdersPct | Percentage of total attributed orders contributed by the item over the selected date range | double | Metric |
attributedSales14days | Total attributed sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedSales30days | Total attributed sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedSalesPct | Percentage of total attributed sales contributed by the item over the selected date range | double | Metric |
attributedUnits14days | Total attributed units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributedUnits30days | Total attributed units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
attributionWindow | Attribution window can be one of the following: days14, days30 | string | Dimension |
brand | Name of the advertiser’s brand | string | Dimension |
campaignExtId | Identifier for a campaign in the ad server. Only campaigns that has gone live will have an external Id | string | Dimension |
campaignName | Name of the campaign | string | Dimension |
category | Categories of the items in your item set | string | Dimension |
date | Specific day and time for which the report is pulled | date | Dimension |
deliveryAttributedFeaturedOrders14days | Total attributed delivery orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedFeaturedOrders30days | Total attributed delivery orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedFeaturedSales14days | Total attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedFeaturedSales30days | Total attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedFeaturedUnits14days | Total attributed delivery units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedFeaturedUnits30days | Total attributed delivery units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedHaloOrders14days | Total attributed delivery orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedHaloOrders30days | Total attributed delivery orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedHaloSales14days | Total attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedHaloSales30days | Total attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedHaloUnits14days | Total attributed delivery units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedHaloUnits30days | Total attributed delivery units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedOrders14days | Total attributed delivery orders placed within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedOrders30days | Total attributed delivery orders placed within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedSales14days | Total attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedSales30days | Total attributed delivery sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedUnits14days | Total attributed delivery units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
deliveryAttributedUnits30days | Total attributed delivery units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
itemId | Id of the item | string | Dimension |
itemName | Name of the item | string | Dimension |
itemsetType | Itemset type can be one of the following: halo , featured , total | string | Dimension |
lineItemExtId | Identifier for a Line item in the ad server. Only Line items that has gone live will have an external Id | string | Dimension |
lineItemName | Name of the line item under a particular campaign | string | Dimension |
numAdsClicks | Number of Ad clicks | integer | Metric |
numAdsShown | Number of Ads shown | integer | Metric |
orderFrequency | Number of times buyers have purchased measured items within 12 months before the campaign start Enum:new = New buyers1_time = Purchased 1 time2_time = Purchased 2 times3_time = Purchased 3 times and above | string | Dimension |
pickupAttributedFeaturedOrders14days | Total attributed pickup orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedFeaturedOrders30days | Total attributed pickup orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedFeaturedSales14days | Total attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedFeaturedSales30days | Total attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedFeaturedUnits14days | Total attributed pickup units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedFeaturedUnits30days | Total attributed pickup units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedHaloOrders14days | Total attributed pickup orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedHaloOrders30days | Total attributed pickup orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedHaloSales14days | Total attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedHaloSales30days | Total attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedHaloUnits14days | Total attributed pickup units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedHaloUnits30days | Total attributed pickup units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedOrders14days | Total attributed pickup orders placed within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedOrders30days | Total attributed pickup orders placed within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedSales14days | Total attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedSales30days | Total attributed pickup sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedUnits14days | Total attributed pickup units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pickupAttributedUnits30days | Total attributed pickup units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
pointOfSale | Possible values are Overall , In-store , Pickup , or Delivery | string | Dimension |
salesChannel | Sales channel for the transaction can be one of the following: stores , online , pickup , delivery | string | Dimension |
storeAttributedFeaturedOrders14days | Total attributed store orders placed from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedFeaturedOrders30days | Total attributed store orders placed from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedFeaturedSales14days | Total attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedFeaturedSales30days | Total attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedFeaturedUnits14days | Total attributed store units sold from Featured itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedFeaturedUnits30days | Total attributed store units sold from Featured itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedHaloOrders14days | Total attributed store orders placed from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedHaloOrders30days | Total attributed store orders placed from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedHaloSales14days | Total attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedHaloSales30days | Total attributed store sales revenue from units sold in Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedHaloUnits14days | Total attributed store units sold from Halo itemset within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedHaloUnits30days | Total attributed store units sold from Halo itemset within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedOrders14days | Total attributed store orders placed within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedOrders30days | Total attributed store orders placed within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedSales14days | Total attributed store sales revenue from units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedSales30days | Total attributed store sales revenue from units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedUnits14days | Total attributed store units sold within 14 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
storeAttributedUnits30days | Total attributed store units sold within 30 days of ad exposure | double | Metric |
tactic | Type of targeting tactic used in line item | string | Dimension |
totalBuyers14Days | Buyers that have purchased measured items based on a 14 day attribution window. | double | Metric |
totalBuyers30Days | Buyers that have purchased measured items based on a 30 day attribution window. | double | Metric |
validBids | The number of bids submitted eligible to win | double | Metric |
Updated about 2 months ago