Creatives CRUD API
Error Response Code | Error Description |
ASSET_ID_NOT_FOUND | Asset ID not found |
CANNOT_DELETE_SUBMITTED_CREATIVES | Submitted creatives can not be deleted |
CANNOT_SUBMIT_APPROVED_CREATIVE | Approved creatives can not be re-submitted |
CREATIVE_ID_SIZE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_MORE_THAN_ONE | Creative ids size should not be more than one |
CREATIVE_NOT_FOUND | Creative not found |
CREATIVE_PREVIEW_NOT_COMPILED | Preview for the creative was not compiled |
CREATIVE_VALIDATION_ERROR | Validation error occurred request. See message property for more details |
CREATIVE_WITH_STATE_ID_NOT_FOUND | Creative with Creative State ID not found |
CREATIVE_WITH_TYPE_NOT_FOUND | Creative version type not found |
INVALID_CREATIVE_PREVIEW_TYPE | Invalid creative preview type, must be one of refreshed , submitted , approved |
INVALID_DATE_FORMAT | Invalid date format, has to be either of format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' |
INVALID_FIELD_START_INDEX | Invalid start index, cannot be less than 0 |
INVALID_FIELD_COUNT | Invalid count, has to be between 1 and 100 |
INVALID_PHOTO_ASSET_FORMAT | Invalid photo format provided |
INVALID_REQUEST_BODY_MISSING_AD_UNITS | Invalid request body, adunits object missing from body |
INVALID_REQUEST_BODY_MISSING_METADATA | Invalid request body,metadata object missing from body |
MISSING_AD_UNIT | Missing adUnitName from request |
MISSING_CREATIVE_PREVIEW_TYPE | Missing type from creative preview request |
MISSING_FIELD_COMMENT_ID | Missing commentId from request |
POP_UP_DISCLAIMER_NOT_ENABLED_FOR_ADVERTISER | Advertiser does not have pop-up disclaimer enabled |
CANNOT_DELETE_FOLDER_WITH_SUBMITTED_CREATIVES | Folder contains submitted creatives which cannot be deleted |
FOLDER_ALREADY_CLONED | Folder has already been cloned |
FOLDER_CANNOT_BE_MOVED | Folder cannot be moved to destination provided |
FOLDER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | Folder name already exists |
FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found |
INVALID_DATE_FORMAT | Invalid date format, has to be either of format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' |
INVALID_FIELD_START_INDEX | Invalid start index, cannot be less than 0 |
MISSING_FIELD_FOLDER_ID | Missing folderId from request |
MISSING_FIELD_FOLDER_NAME | Missing folderName from request |
TOO_MANY_RESOURCES_TO_CLONE | Folder cannot be cloned if there are over 1000 resources |
TOO_MANY_RESOURCES_TO_DELETE | Folder cannot be deleted if there are over 1000 resources |
Updated about 1 month ago