Create Report Snapshot
You can request a snapshot file for all performance reporting data available (until the date before current date) for a given advertiser using this method
Note: The POST functionality is similar for both Onsite and Offsite display
URL: POST/api/v1/snapshot/report
Definition of Retrievable Reports
- campaign: The performance of campaigns
- lineItem: The performance of line items that are part of a campaign
- tactic: The performance of specific targeting tactic
- sku: The performance of all the SKUs added to the campaign’s item set
- bid: The performance of bids for on-site display auction campaigns
- newBuyer: The buying frequency of ad exposed shoppers at the line item level
- creative: The performance of creatives used at the line item level
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Possible Values |
advertiserId | The ID of the advertiser | integer | Y | Unique numeric identifier |
startDate | The first day to be considered in the performance report snapshot. It cannot be the current date Note: The reports encompass data starting from midnight (00:00:00 hrs ET) on this particular date | date | Y | Date should be in format: yyyy-MM-dd |
endDate | The last day to be considered in the performance report snapshot. It cannot be the current date. Note:
| date | Y | Date should be in format: yyyy-MM-dd |
attributionWindow | Window for attribution Note: attributionWindow is applicable only when reportType = sku | string | N | Allowed Values:
salesChannel | Sales channel for the transaction Note: salesChannel is applicable only when reportType = sku | string | N | If specified, the metrics applicable for the specified sales channel are returned. Allowed Values: stores , online , acc
itemsetType | Type of item set Note: itemsetType is applicable only when reportType = sku | string | N | If specified, the metrics applicable for the specified itemsetType are returned. Allowed Values: halo , featured , total
reportType | Type of report to be retrieved | string | Y | Types of Report: campaign , lineItem , tactic , sku , bid , newBuyer , creative |
reportMetrics | Choose the metrics type for your snapshot Note: If you omit this parameter in your request, you will receive all the metrics that are relevant to the selected report type | string | N | Please refer to the table “Definition of Various Parameters Generated Across the Snapshot Reports” for detailed information on report metrics |
Element | Description | Type |
code | The response code can have following values:
| string |
details | Details of the error if value of response code is failure | string |
snapshotId | ID of the snapshot | string |
jobStatus | It is an indicator to confirm status of snapshot generation.The possible values of jobStatus are: pending , processing , done , failed , expired | string |
Updated 17 days ago