Create Report Snapshot

You can request a snapshot file for all performance reporting data available (until the date before current date) for a given advertiser using this method

Note: The POST functionality is similar for both Onsite and Offsite display


URL: POST/api/v1/snapshot/report

Definition of Retrievable Reports

  1. campaign: The performance of campaigns 
  2. lineItem: The performance of line items that are part of a campaign 
  3. tactic: The performance of specific targeting tactic 
  4. sku: The performance of all the SKUs added to the campaign’s item set
  5. bid: The performance of bids for on-site display auction campaigns
  6. newBuyer: The buying frequency of ad exposed shoppers at the line item level
  7. creative: The performance of creatives used at the line item level

Request Parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequiredPossible Values
advertiserIdThe ID of the advertiserintegerYUnique numeric identifier
startDateThe first day to be considered in the performance report snapshot. It cannot be the current date
Note: The reports encompass data starting from midnight (00:00:00 hrs ET) on this particular date
dateYDate should be in format: yyyy-MM-dd
endDateThe last day to be considered in the performance report snapshot. It cannot be the current date.
  • The reports encompass data until the end of the day (23:59:59 hrs ET) for this particular date 
  • If report data is not available for the requested end date, the request will fail, and the response will contain endDate until which the performance report is available
dateYDate should be in format: yyyy-MM-dd
attributionWindowWindow for attribution
Note: attributionWindow is applicable only when reportType = sku
stringNAllowed Values:

  • days14: Report will include 14-day attribution columns If a user selects this value
  • days30: Report will include 30-day attribution columns if a user selects this value
salesChannelSales channel for the transaction
Note: salesChannel is applicable only when reportType = sku
string NIf specified, the metrics applicable for the specified sales channel are returned.
Allowed Values: stores, online, acc

  • stores: If specified, only metrics prefixed with storeAttributed are returned
  • online: If specified, only metrics prefixed with pickupAttributed, deliveryAttributed are returned
  • acc: If specified, only metrics prefixed with accAttributed are returned
itemsetTypeType of item set 
Note: itemsetType is applicable only when reportType = sku
stringNIf specified, the metrics applicable for the specified itemsetType are returned.
Allowed Values: halo, featured, total
  • halo: if specified, only metrics are returned that have “Halo“ in it
  • featured: if specified, only metrics are returned that have “Featured“ in it
  • total: if specified, only metrics are returned that have “Halo“ or “Featured“ in it
reportTypeType of report to be retrievedstringYTypes of Report: campaign, lineItem, tactic, sku, bid, newBuyer, creative
reportMetricsChoose the metrics type for your snapshot 
Note: If you omit this parameter in your request, you will receive all the metrics that are relevant to the selected report type
stringNPlease refer to the table “Definition of Various Parameters Generated Across the Snapshot Reports” for detailed information on report metrics


codeThe response code can have following values:

  • success
  • failure
detailsDetails of the error if value of response code is failurestring
snapshotIdID of the snapshotstring
jobStatusIt is an indicator to confirm status of snapshot generation.The possible values of jobStatus are: pending, processing, done, failed, expiredstring