API Status Codes and Errors

This section provides you the list of expected HTTP response error codes while making the API calls to Walmart Connect Display Ads APIs

Status Codes and Errors

200OKThe request was successful
400Bad RequestThe request was not properly formed and therefore was not successful
422Unprocessable EntityThe server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions
403UnauthorizedInvalid credentials
404Entity Not FoundEntity not found. (e.g. This exception will show up when wrong campaign ID is provided)
429Too Many RequestsNumber of requests have  exceeded the rate limit for the integrator. Retry after 10 minutes.
500/520Internal Server ErrorAn internal server error has occurred
503Service Not AvailableServer is temporarily unable to handle the request. Try again later
521Service Not AvailableThe origin server has refused the connection. Try again later