AdGroup CRUD APIs/Targeting Update APIs

Error Response CodeError Description
INVALID_FIELD_START_OR_END_DATE Invalid start or end date
ADGROUP_ALREADY_EXIST_WITH_GIVEN_NAMEAd group already exists with the given name
Invalid match type for keywords E.g.: Broad Type is not allowed for negative keywords
INVALID_CONTEXTUAL_TARGETINGInvalid node passed in inclusions/exclusions E.g.: Disabled node is not supported in the targeting Json
AD_GROUP_START_END_DATE_NOT_ALLOWEDStart-end date should not be present with ad group setting enabled
AD_GROUP_END_DATE_CANNOT_BE_NULL End date cannot be null if the schedule and budget are defined at ad group level
AD_GROUP_END_DATE_MUSTBE_LATER_THAN_START_DATEEnd Date must be later than Start Date
AD_GROUP_START_DATE_SHOULD_BE_WITHIN_YEARStart date should be within an year from the current date
INVALID_TARGETING_COMBINATION Only GEO_TARGETINGcan be combined with any other targetings
ADGROUP_INVALID_NAME_SIZEAd group name length must be between 4 to 1024 characters
ADGROUP_START_AND_END_DATE_SHOULD_BE_NULLStart and end date should be null if the schedule and budget are defined at campaign level
ROS_ADGROUP_CANNOT_HAVE_TARGETING_DETAILS_SET Run of site ad group cannot have targeting details set
MORE_THAN_ONE_TARGETING_CANNOT_BE_SELECTEDMore than one targeting tactic cannot be selected
START_DATE_CANNOT_BE_NULLStart date cannot be null if the schedule and budget are defined at ad group level
BUDGET_FIELD_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVEbudget must be greater than or equal to 0
DAILY_CAP_CANNOT_BE_GREATER_THAN_WEEKLY_CAP Daily cap can't be greater than weekly cap
DAILY_CAP_CANNOT_BE_GREATER_THAN_MONTHLY_CAPDaily cap can't be greater than monthly cap
WEEKLY_CAP_CANNOT_BE_GREATER_THAN_MONTHLY_CAPWeekly cap can't be greater than monthly cap
FRONTLOADED_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DAILY_BUDGET_TYPEFrontloaded delivery type is not allowed for daily budget type
UNSUPPORTED_POST_FLIGHT_UPDATEOnly end date can be changed post flight
TOTAL_AND_DAILY_BUDGET_NOT_ALLOWED_TOGETHER Total budget and Daily budget fields are not allowed together in the same request
INVALID_GEO_LOCATION_IDGEOIDS provided in targeting request is invalid
INVALID_CONTEXTUAL_TARGETING_IDS Contextual targeting IDs provided in targeting request are invalid
INVALID_AUDIENCE_ID Audience ID provided in targeting request is invalid
INVALID_TARGETING_EXPRESSION Targeting expression provided is invalid
TARGETING_CONVERSION_FAILED Failed to convert targeting expression
UNABLE_TO_FETCH_ADGROUP_DETAIL Ad group details not found
INVALID_GEO_TARGET_TYPE Invalid Geo Target type value. Supported values are [STATE, CITY, DMA, COUNTRY]
ADGROUP_START_OR_END_DATE_CANNOT_BE_IN_PAST_DURING_PRE_FLIGHT Ad Group start date/end date can't be in past, during pre-flight
ADGROUP_END_DATE_ONLY_UNLIMITED_FOR_DRAFT_ADGROUP End date can be set to indefinite only if ad group is in draft state
END_DATE_CANNOT_BE_UNLIMITED_FOR_CAMPAIGN_IF_IT_DEFINED_AT_ADGROUP_LEVEL End date cannot be indefinite for campaign if scheduling defined at Ad Group level
ADGROUP_CREATE_FAILED Ad group create failed
ADGROUP_UPDATE_FAILED Ad group update failed
KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY Keyword match type cannot be empty
INVALID_KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPE Invalid keyword match type
AUDIENCE_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY Audience type cannot be empty
AUDIENCE_TYPE_AND_ATTRIBUTE_SHOULD_BE_SAME_ACROSS_ALL_NODE Audience type and attribute combination should be same across all nodes in a single request
DAILY_BUDGET_NOT_HAVE_EXPECTED_VALUE Daily budget should not be less than expected value
TOTAL_BUDGET_NOT_HAVE_EXPECTED_VALUE Total budget should not be less than expected value
END_DATE_TOO_FAR_START_DATE End date not after Start Date
MAX_BID_LESS_THAN_EXPECTED_VALUE Max bid less than expected value
BASE_BID_LESS_THAN_EXPECTED_VALUE Base bid less than expected value
Invalid frequency cap limit
INVALID_FREQUENCY_CAP Invalid frequency cap
ROS_LINEITEM_CANNOT_HAVE_TARGETING_DETAILS_MARK_EITHER_ONE_OF_THEM_AS_NULLRun of site line item cannot have targeting details set. Mark either one of them as null
MORE_THAN_ONE_TARGETING_TACTIC_IS_SELECTED More than one targeting tactic is selected
MID_FLIGHT_CHANGES_NOT_SUPPORTED Ad group targeting cannot be updated during mid flight