JUMP TOWalmart Sponsored Products APIAlerts and RecommendationsList all the Alerts and Recommendations for the advertisergetCampaign Creation and ManagementAdGroupList all the AdGroupsgetCreate new adgrouppostUpdate existing ad groupputKeywordsFetch keyword AnalyticspostSuggested keywords based on the item added in the ad groupgetList all the keywords in campaigngetAdd keywords to existing keyword bidded campaignpostUpdate state and bid of existing keywordsputCampaignList all the campaignsgetCreate new campaignpostUpdate existing campaignputDelete existing campaignputAd ItemList all the Items in campaigngetAdd new item to ad grouppostUpdate AdItemsputCampaign PlacementList all the campaign placementsgetAdd campaign placement to keyword bidded campaignpostUpdate campaign placement to keyword bidded campaignputSponsored BrandsReviewFetch Review for AdvertisersgetSubmit Review for AdGrouppostCancel Review for AdGroupputSBA Profile APIGet SBA Profile by SBA Profile IdgetCreate multiple SBA profiles for campaignpostUpdate SBA profiles by SbaProfileIdputUpload Logo Image to SBA Profile by sbaProfileIdpostSponsored Videos - Campaign ManagementAdGroup Media APIList all the adGroup MediagetCreate new adGroup MediapostUpdate adGroup MediaputMedia APIList all the mediagetUpdate the media detailsputDelete the media by iddeleteUpdate closed caption by idpostComplete media uploadputUpload MediapostCampaign OptimizationBid MultiplierList all the Placement Bid MultipliersgetCreate Placement Bid MultiplierspostUpdate Placement Bid MultipliersputList all the Platform Bid MultipliersgetCreate Platform Bid MultiplierspostUpdate Platform Bid MultipliersputCatalog ItemSearch for item for an advertiserpostInsightsInsightsGet the InsightsgetReportingStatsList of StatsgetReportsGet Latest Report DategetSnapshotGet the snapshot by Snapshot Id V1getGet the snapshot by Snapshot Id V2getSubmit audit snapshot requestpostSubmit InsightType Snapshot RequestpostSubmit Report Snapshot RequestpostSubmit Report Snapshot RequestpostSubmit entity snapshot requestpostSubmit Recommendation Snapshot RequestpostSubmit Recommendation Snapshot V2 RequestpostOperationsApi Usage AnalyzeGet last hour api usagegetDeprecated APIsGet SBA Profile for campaigngetCreate SBA profile for campaignpostUpdate SBA profile for campaignputUpload Logo Image to SBA Profile for CampaignpostSubmit Report Snapshot Requestpost https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v1/snapshot/reportSubmit Report Snapshot Request