Upload Logo Image to Sponsored Brands Profile for Campaign
Upload brand logo image for your brand on the Sponsored Brands profile using this operation
Using v1 URL, you can only upload logo for the enabled profile. However, if you have created 2 profiles, you should use v2 URL to update logo for the desired profile.
- You can change the brand logo image if the campaign is in “proposal” state, by resubmitting POST request
- Brand logo image:
- format should be png with size ≤ 200kb
- should be 300px wide and 180px tall
- Brand name should not be more than 35 characters long
- Logo click URL must be a URL that displays product(s) for the advertised brand. It can be either of:
- Search Page
- Browse Page
- Brand Shop
- Brand Shelf
v1 URL: POST/api/v1/sba_profile_image_upload
Query Parameters
Key | Value | Notes | Type | Required |
SBABaseProfileRequest | {"campaignId": "\<CAMPAIGN_ID>", adGroupId": "\<ADGROUP_ID>"} | SBABaseProfileRequest is a JSON object specifying campaignId and adGroupId. campaignId and adGroupId are IDs of the campaign and ad group respectively. Both these IDs are type integer | string | Y |
file | Any image file of the format png | The binary data for the suitable image file demonstrating your brand to potential buyers. Note:
| file | Y |
Sample Request
curl -X POST \
'https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api- proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v1/sba_profile_image_upload' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -form 'SBABaseProfileRequest ="{"campaignId": "500001",adGroupId":"500001"}', -form 'file=@"/Users/Downloads/abc.png"; "type"= image/png'
Element | Description | Type |
code | Possible values of response code: success , failure | string |
details | Details of the error if value of response code is failure | string |
sbaProfileId | ID of the Sponsored Brands profile | integer |
Sample Response
[ { "code": "success", "details": "", "sbaProfileId": 500002 }, { "code": "failure", "details": "Missing form param SBABaseProfileRequest", "sbaProfileId ": 0 }
v2 URL: POST/api/v2/sba_profile_image_upload
Query Parameters
Key | Value | Notes | Type | Required |
SBABaseProfileRequest | {"campaignId": "\<CAMPAIGN_ID>",adGroupId": "\<ADGROUP_ID>", "sbaProfileId": "\<SBAPROFILE_ID>"} | SBABaseProfileRequest is a JSON object specifying campaignId, adGroupId and sbaProfileId. campaignId adGroupId and sbaProfileId are IDs of the campaign, ad group and Sponsored Brands Profile respectively. All these IDs are type integer | string | Y |
file | Any image file of the format png | The binary data for the suitable image file demonstrating your brand to potential buyers. Note:
| file | Y |
Sample Request
curl -X POST \
'https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v2/sba_profile_image_upload' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -form 'SBABaseProfileRequest =" {"campaignId": "500001", "adGroupId": "500001", "sbaProfileId": "600001"}', -form ' file=@"/Users/Downloads/abc.png"; "type"= image/png'
Element | Description | Type |
code | Possible values of response code: success , failure | string |
details | Details of the error if value of response code is failure | string |
sbaProfileId | ID of the Sponsored Brands profile | integer |
Sample Response
[ { "code": "success", "details": "", "sbaProfileId": 500002 }, { "code": "failure", "details": "Missing form param SBABaseProfileRequest", "sbaProfileId ": 0 }
Updated about 2 months ago