Update Sponsored Brands Profile for Campaign

Update an existing Sponsored Brands profile for campaign.

You can only update the enabled Sponsored Brands profile by using URL v1. Using v2 URL, you can update both existing Sponsored Brands profiles for campaign if it has two profiles (one is enabled, and the other is disabled).

Note: You can update Sponsored Brands profile for a live Sponsored Brands campaign as well.

To update the enabled Sponsored Brands profile in a live campaign, you will have to pause the campaign, update the profile, and submit it for review. To avoid pausing the campaign, we recommend that you create a 2nd profile with the desired changes using v2 URL, submit a review request for its approval, and enable it once it is approved.


v1 URL: PUT/api/v1/sba_profile

Query Parameters

ParameterNotesTypeRequiredPossible Values
campaignId  The ID of the campaignintegerYA valid campaign ID
adGroupIdThe ID of the ad groupstringYA valid ad group ID
searchAmpNameThe name of the Brand. This field is required.stringYName of the brand that is part of this profile. It should be max. 35 characters all of which are NOT recommended to be special characters
headlineTextCustom headline text showcasing why customers should buy your products This field is required.stringYPiece of text that explains your brand value within following constraints:
  • It should be max. 45 characters
  • It is recommended to NOT use all special characters in this field
clickUrlThe destination URL or landing page URL. It is the website address that a visitor lands on when he/she clicks on the ad. This field is required.  stringYClickable URL must be https://www.walmart.com URL that displays product(s) for the advertised brand. It can be either of:
  1. Search Page
  2. Browse Page
  3. Brand Shop
  4. Brand Shelf

clickUrl requirements:
  1. Any “:” in the URL should be replaced with “%3A”
  2. Any “+” in the URL should be replaced with “%20″
  3. Any “||” in the URL should be replaced with “%7C%7C”
  4. URL query string should not contain “typeahead=” parameter
  5. For 3P sellers, add hidden_facet=retailer_id%3A<seller_id>to the end of clickURL
Note: If requirements not met, the request will fail with encode issue.

Sample Request

curl -X PUT \
'https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v2/sba_profile' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \ 
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '{ "campaignId": 12345, "adGroupId": 54321, "searchAmpName": "Great Value", "headlineText": "This is Great Value", "clickUrl": "https://www.walmart.com" }'


Element DescriptionType
codeThe response code can have following values: success, failurestring
detailsDetails of the error if value of response code is failurestring
sbaProfileIdID of the Sponsored Brands profileinteger

Sample Response

[ { "code": "success", "details": "", " sbaProfileId ": 50001 }, { "code": "failure", "details": "error message", " sbaProfileId ": 0 }


v2 URL: PUT/api/v2/sba_profile


  • None of the profiles can be updated if a campaign review is pending or in-progress
  • An approved profile will be switched to pending review when it is updated

Query Parameters

ParameterNotesTypeRequired Possible Values
campaignId The ID of the campaignintegerYA valid campaign ID
adGroupIdThe ID of the ad groupstringYA valid ad group ID
searchAmpNameThe name of the Brand. This field is required.stringYName of the brand that is part of this profile. It should be max. 35 characters all of which are NOT recommended to be special characters
headlineTextCustom headline text showcasing why customers should buy your products This field is required.stringYPiece of text that explains your brand value within following constraints:
  • It should be max. 45 characters
  • It is recommended to NOT use all special characters in this field
clickUrlThe destination URL or landing page URL. It is the website address that a visitor lands on when he/she clicks on the ad. This field is required.  stringYClickable URL must be https://www.walmart.com URL that displays product(s) for the advertised brand. It can be either of:
  1. Search Page
  2. Browse Page
  3. Brand Shop
  4. Brand Shelf

clickUrl requirements:
  1. Any “:” in the URL should be replaced with “%3A”
  2. Any “+” in the URL should be replaced with “%20″
  3. Any “||” in the URL should be replaced with “%7C%7C”
  4. URL query string should not contain “typeahead=” parameter
  5. For 3P sellers, add hidden_facet=retailer_id%3A<seller_id>to the end of clickURL
Note: If requirements not met, the request will fail with encode issue.
sbaProfileIdID of the Sponsored Brands profileintegerYA valid Sponsored Brands profile ID.
statusIndicator of the enabled state of Sponsored Brands profilestringNenabled, disabled

Sample Request

curl -X PUT \
'https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v2/sba_profile' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \ 
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '{ "campaignId": 12345, "adGroupId": 54321, "searchAmpName": "Great Value", "headlineText": "This is Great Value", "clickUrl": "https://www.walmart.com", "sbaProfileId": 600001, "status": "enabled" }'


Element DescriptionType
codeThe response code can have following values: success, failurestring
detailsDetails of the error if value of response code is failurestring
sbaProfileIdID of the Sponsored Brands profileinteger

Sample Response

[ { "code": "success", "details": "", "sbaProfileId": 600001 }, { "code": "failure", "details": "error message", "sbaProfileId": 0 }