Update Existing Campaigns
Update an existing campaign using PUT operation
URL: PUT/api/v1/campaigns
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Possible Values |
name | The name of the campaign | integer | N | The campaign name should be unique and correspond to the campaign ID |
status | Specified status of the campaign | string | N | Possible values:
If you extend an ended campaign, the system will auto-change the status to “rescheduled” and then to “live” as per the defined start date for campaign A campaign can be auto scheduled only if it is in “proposal” state. A “paused” campaign cannot be auto scheduled |
startDate | The date to start campaign | date | N | Date should be in format: yyyy-mm-dd |
endDate | The date when Campaign ends. You can choose to run the campaign indefinitely as well | date | N | To run campaign indefinitely, set its value as 9999-12-30 |
budgetType | The type of budget allocation you want to choose for your campaign. | string | N | Possible values:
totalBudget | Total budget of campaign | double | N | For 1p seller: The value of Total budget should at least be $100 For 3p seller: The value of Total budget should at least be $50 |
dailyBudget | Daily budget of campaign. Note: • Daily budget cannot exceed your total budget amount• There is no limit on the amount of daily budget that can carry forward to the next day | double | N | For 1p seller: The value of daily budget should at least be $50 For 3p seller: The value of daily budget should at least be $10 |
rollover | The indicator to suggest if the unspent daily budget from the previous day should be carried forward to next day’s daily budget | boolean | N | Possible values:
biddingStrategy | A json object to store the bidding strategy. This stores bidding strategy through the field: strategy | json | N | The possible values of the strategy field are: · DYNAMIC – Indicates the bidding strategy to be dynamic · FIXED – Indicates the bidding strategy to be fixed · TROAS – Indicates the bidding strategy to be Target ROAS· TROAS bidding strategy is unavailable for beta testing at this time. Note: If You don’t pass biddingStrategy in the request, the default strategy will be “FIXED” |
campaignOptions | List of campaign setting options while creating a campaign. Campaign setting options:
| array | N | Values of campaign options:
campaignId | ID of the campaign | integer | Y | Unique numeric identifier |
Sample Request 1 – Opt in to CPT and BTT (empty campaignOptions), T-ROAS biddingStrategy
curl -X PUT \ 'https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v1/campaign' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \ --header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \ --header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \ --header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \ --header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --data '[ { "advertiserId": 16274575, "name": "Campaign3", "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts", "targetingType": "auto", "status": "enabled", "startDate": "2024-07-18", "endDate": "2024-08-03", "totalBudget": 4000, "dailyBudget": 500, "budgetType" : "both", "rollover" : true, "biddingStrategy": { "strategy": "TROAS", "troas": 200.00 } "campaignOptions": null } ]'
Sample Request 2 – Opt in CPT, Opt out BTT
curl -X PUT \ 'https://developer.api.stg.walmart.com/api-proxy/service/WPA/Api/v1/api/v1/campaign' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \ --header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \ --header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \ --header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \ --header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --data '[ { "advertiserId": 16274575, "name": "Campaign3", "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts", "targetingType": "auto", "status": "enabled", "startDate": "2024-07-18", "endDate": "2024-08-03", "totalBudget": 4000, "dailyBudget": 500, "budgetType" : "both", "rollover" : true, "biddingStrategy": { "strategy": "DYNAMIC" } "campaignOptions": [“BRAND_TERM_OPT_OUT”] } ]’
Element | Description | Type |
code | Possible values of response code: success, failure | string |
details | Details of the error if value of response code is failure | string |
campaignId | ID of the campaign | integer |
Sample Response
[ { "code": "success", "campaignId": 500001, "details": "" } { "code": "failure", "details": "Campaign not found", "campaignId": 3 }
Updated 12 days ago