Understanding the Review

Once you make the changes and submit a campaign review request

  1. If you need to add/ re-enable item/keyword for a campaign while the review is “pending” / “in-progress” :
    • You can cancel the review request
    • After cancelling the review request, you can modify the campaign and re-submit for review
  2. If you need to modify the campaign while the review is
    "pending"/ "in-progress"
    • You can:
      • Update keyword bids
      • Update campaign budget
      • Update campaign’s end date
      • Disable an item/keyword
      • Cancel the review
    • You cannot:
      • Add/re-enable items or keywords
      • Update video profile
      • Submit a second review for the campaign unless the current review is complete

Post review completion

Post review completion, the campaign status will automatically change to “enabled” then “scheduled” and finally to “live” (on the campaign start date). However, for the campaign to be auto scheduled, it must be eligible to go live. A campaign will only be scheduled when following are approved for it:

  1. Sponsored Video profile
  2. At least 1 Keyword
  3. At least 1 item