Setting up a Sponsored Brands campaign

Create Sponsored Brands campaign

    1. Use campaignType parameter (value: “sba”) and targeting type as “manual
    1. If you are a 3P seller trying to create a Sponsored Brands campaign, you need to be registered at Walmart brand portal. Once your brand is verified you will be able to create a campaign which will be subject to review as per campaign review guidelines.
      You should wait at least 24 hours before trying again in case your request did not go through the first time

Add Ad group to the campaign

    1. Create an ad group for the campaign and add items to it
    1. Maximum 10 items can be added to an ad group
    1. Minimum 2 items need to be added to an ad group (recommended min. 3 to avoid stop serving ads in case of out-of-stock scenario)
    • 1 Item campaign will only serve on Mobile
    1. Currently, only 1 ad group is allowed per campaign
    1. The “reviewStatus” will default to “pending” for each new item added or an item that is re-enabled

Create Sponsored Brands profile for the Ad group

    1. Create, read, and update the Sponsored Brands profile relevant to the campaign’s products by using the endpoints drafted in Sponsored Brands profile API doc.
    1. You can create maximum two Sponsored Brands profiles for a campaign. You can refer to Sponsored Brands profile technical documentation for more details to create a second Sponsored Brands profile.
    • 1st profile created will be enabled by default
    • 2nd profile created will be disabled by default
    • Any new profile created will have review status pending by default and must be submitted for review
    • Only enabled profile will serve on a live campaign
    1. Sponsored Brands profile comprises of the following components:
    • Brand Logo (format: png; Size≤200kb)
      • Recommended 300px wide and 180px tall
    • Headline text (max. 45 characters, all characters cannot be special)
    • Brand Name (max. 35 characters, all characters cannot be special)
    • Click URL (For landing page – secure only)

Add Keywords (Additional/Suggested keywords)

    1. Adding keywords to an Sponsored Brands campaign is similar to adding keywords to a non- Sponsored Brands campaign
    1. The “status” for each new or re-enabled keyword be set to “pending” by default
    1. Only 200 distinct bidded keywords with 1 to 3 keyword-match types for each are permitted to be enabled per ad group
    1. Minimum bid for keywords in an Sponsored Brands campaign is $1