Search items published on


You can search an item by providing search string text or item id. List of items is pulled only from seller/supplier catalog.

URL: POST /api/v1/itemSearch

Query Parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequiredPossible Values
advertiserIdThe ID of the advertiser whose catalog item is to be retrievedintegerYUnique numeric identifier
searchTextText for item search. This is used to search the item against both item name and entire item description. stringNTerms to search an item in catalog
searchItemIdsID linked to the item that advertiser is selling on the Walmart portal. You can give both primary variant and variant item id in this field depending upon the requirement.
  • If searching for a primary variant item, the details will be returned in response. All the variants associated with this primary variant item will be returned in the variantItems array.
  • If searching for a variant item, corresponding primary variant item details will be returned in response. All the variants associated with the primary variant item will be returned in the variantItems array.
arrayNString identifier 

Note: You can use either searchText or searchItemIds along with advertiserId to search an item. At least one of these is required. You must not include both.



Header NameDescriptionRequiredValues
AuthorizationThe token will provide you the access to the API. It is same for all advertisers you access through the API.YPlease utilize the generated auth_token shared with you at the time of partner onboarding from the Getting Started Guide
WM_CONSUMER.IDWe will provide you the consumer ID to access the API. It is same for all advertisers you access through the API.   YPlease use the generated ConsumerId shared with you at the time of partner onboarding. Refer to the Getting Started Guide for more information
WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATUREAuth signature as an API key.YUse the signature generator code from Getting Started Guide to generate this value
WM_SEC.KEY_VERSIONWe will provide you with the KEY VERSION to access the API. It is same for all advertisers you access through the API.Y1
WM_CONSUMER.intimestampTimestamp for which the auth signature is generated. Use Unix epoch format for the timestamp.YUse the signature generator code from Getting Started Guide to generate this value

Sample Request when Search for Item by searchText

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \ 
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "advertiserId": 5678,  "searchText": "tv" }'

Sample Request when Search for Item by searchItemIds

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \ 
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "advertiserId": 5678,  "searchItemIds": ["44346415", "44346416"] }'


itemIdId of the primary variant item in search resultstring
itemNameName of the primary variant item in search resultstring
itemImageUrlImage URL of the primary variant itemstring
itemPageUrlPrimary variant Item page URLstring
suggestedBidSuggested bid (CPC) for the item  double
variantItemsAn array element to store info of variants associated to the specific primary variant item (whose id is returned in itemId). It stores variant info through following parameters:
  • variantItemId
  • variantItemName
  • variantImageUrl

Sample Response when Search for Item by searchText:

[ { "itemId": "44346411", "suggestedBid": 0.4, "itemName": "TV stand- our TVs are good", "variantItems": [ { "variantItemId": "44346411", "variantItemName": " TV stand- our TVs are good", "variantImageUrl": "" }, { "variantItemId": "678903451", "variantItemName": " TV stand- our TVs are good ", "variantImageUrl": "" } ], "itemImageUrl": " 730592348c96_1.3833b878a414a6995eaae81e792b635c.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff", "itemPageUrl": "" }

Sample Response when Search for Item by searchItemIds:

[ { "itemId": "44346415", "suggestedBid": 0.51, "itemName": "coffee-cafePress", "variantItems": [ { "variantItemId": "44346415", "variantItemName": "coffee-cafePress", "variantImageUrl": "" }, { "variantItemId": "44346416", "variantItemName": "coffee-cafePress", "variantImageUrl": "" } ], "itemImageUrl": "", "itemPageUrl": "" }

Note: You will receive information of primary variant and its variants in the search results. In case a primary variant doesn’t have any variant item associated, only information belonging to primary variant is returned.