Retrieve Snapshot Reports
You can retrieve report snapshots by providing snapshot id and advertiser id for an advertiser.
URL: GET/api/v2/snapshot
- The format of the report is CSV, and it will be enclosed in “gzip” file format by default.
- You can request the following type of snapshots:
- Reports for Sponsored Brand campaigns: Report snapshots provide Sponsored Brand campaign metrics like they do for non- Sponsored Brand campaigns, however, following are some rules that specifically govern metrics for Sponsored Brand campaigns:
a. Clicks and Impressions are attributed as per clicks and
display for each item displayed in Sponsored Brand placement
b. Sponsored Brand placement is only available on
Search page; hence its metrics are included in Search page only
for page type report
c. Report Type:itemHealth
is not part of
Snapshot v2 endpoint
Item Health/Item Health V2 report will be available only on
Snapshot v1 reports.
d. Report Type:itemKeyword
is not part of Snapshot v2 endpoint.
Item Keyword report will be available only on Snapshot v1
Sample Request
curl -X GET\
'' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \
Element | Description | Type |
snapshotId | Id of the snapshot to be retrieved | string |
jobStatus | It is an indicator to confirm status of snapshot generation. The possible values of jobStatus are: pending , processing , done , failed , expired | string |
details | URL of the snapshot file once jobStatus reaches to state “done ” | string |
code | The response code can have following values: success , failure | string |
- TTL (
Time to Live
) for files generated is one day
If you want to retrieve keyword report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 1)
Sample Response 1 For Report Type Keyword:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "10", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
The snapshot file is in CSV format that includes response for each report type. You can request multiple report types in one request; however, the response would be captured in one zip/gzip file as explained in the “Types of Format” section.. It will have single CSV file returning response for all report types.
Example of the content of snapshot with id “10”. The file format is “CSV”:
"date", "keywordId", "searchedKeyword", "biddedKeyword", "matchType", "campaignId", "adGroupId", "ntbUnits3days", "ntbOrders3days", "ntbRevenue3days", "ntbUnits14days", "ntbOrders14days", "ntbRevenue14days", "ntbUnits30days", "ntbOrders30days", "ntbRevenue30days", "bid", "numAdsShown", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "directAttributedSales3days", "directAttributedSales14days", "directAttributedSales30days", "advertisedSkuSales3days ", "advertisedSkuSales14days", "advertisedSkuSales30days", "attributedUnits3days", "attributedUnits14days", "attributedUnits30days", "brandAttributedSales3days", "brandAttributedSales14days", "brandAttributedSales30days", "relatedAttributedSales3days","relatedAttributedSales14days”, "relatedAttributedSales30days", "otherSkuSales3days ", "otherSkuSales14days ", "otherSkuSales30days ", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days" "2022-12-10", "800001", "key1", "bkey1", "exact", "800001", "800001", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "59", "60", "61", "60", "100", "10", "6", "180", "184", "188","400", "40", "8", "12", "28", "76", "92", "140", "156", "12","76", "140", "20", "84", "148", "16", "80","144"
- maximum character length of 60 characters is returned for
field will provide:
a. search query entered by the site visitor, in an event when an ad is
delivered on Search Carousel or Search In-grid placements
b. Item ID (anchor item) specific to the Item Page on which the ad is
delivered, in an event when an ad is delivered on the item page
If you want to retrieve ad item report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 2)
Sample Response 2 For Report Type Ad Item:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "11", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “11”. The file format is “CSV”:
"date", "campaignId", "adGroupId", "itemId", "itemName", "itemImage", "numAdsShown", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "directAttributedSales3days", "directAttributedSales14days", "directAttributedSales30days", "advertisedSkuSales3days ", "advertisedSkuSales14days", "advertisedSkuSales30days", "attributedUnits3days",
"attributedUnits14days", "attributedUnits30days",
"brandAttributedSales3days", "brandAttributedSales14days", "brandAttributedSale30days", "relatedAttributedSales3days", "relatedAttributedSales14days","relatedAttributedSales30days", "otherSkuSales3days ", "otherSkuSales14days", "otherSkuSales30days ", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days" "2022-10-01", "609967", "771138915", "11047090", "Equate Ultra Strength Antacid Tropical Fruit Chewable Tablets, 1000 mg, 160 Count", " ", "100", "10", "2", "2", "6","8", "3", "7", "25", "29", "47", "51", "3", "25", "5", "27", "49", "4","30", "40", "50", "26", "48", "11" "2022-10-02", "610534", "771139421", "11047090", "Equate Ultra Strength Antacid Tropical Fruit Chewable Tablets, 1000 mg, 160 Count", " "
, "100", "10", "2", "3", "7", "25", "29", "47", "51", "3", "25", "5", "27", "49", "4", "26", "48", "11" "2022-10-03", "609968", "771138916", "34764454", "Equate Regular Strength Stomach Relief Liquid, 525 mg, 16 fl oz, 2 Count",
"100", "10", "2", "3", "7", "25", "29", "47", "51", "3", "25", "5", "27", "49", "4", "26", "48", "11"
If you want to retrieve platform report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 3)
Sample Response 3 For Report Type Platform:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "12", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “12”. The file format is “CSV”:
"date", "campaignId", "adGroupId", "platform", "numAdsShown", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "directAttributedSales3days", "directAttributedSales14days", "directAttributedSales30days", "advertisedSkuSales3days ", "advertisedSkuSales14days", "advertisedSkuSales30days", "attributedUnits3days", "attributedUnits14days", "attributedUnits30days", "brandAttributedSales3days", "brandAttributedSales14days", "brandAttributedSales30days", "relatedAttributedSales3days","relatedAttributedSales14days", "relatedAttributedSales30days", "otherSkuSales3days", "otherSkuSales14days", "otherSkuSales30days", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days" "2022-10-05", "609967", "771138915", "desktop”, "100", "10", "2", "3", "7", "19", 25", "29", "47", "23", "39","5", "21","37", "4","20", "36", "11", 9", "19", "27", "27", "43", "29"
If you want to retrieve videoCampaigns report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 4)
Sample Response 4 For Report Type Video Campaigns:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "13", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “13”. The file format is “CSV”:
"date", "campaignId", "adGroupId", "numAdsShown", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "attributedUnits3days", "attributedUnits14days", "attributedUnits30days", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days", "viewableImpressions", "videoFirstQuartileViews", "videoMidpointViews", "videoThirdQuartileViews", "videoCompleteViews", "videoUnmutes", "video5SecondViews", "attributedSales3days", "attributedSales14days", "attributedSales30days", "videoImpressions", "viewThroughSales3days", "viewThroughSales14days", "viewThroughSales30days", "viewThroughOrders3days", "viewThroughOrders14days", "viewThroughOrders30days", "viewThroughUnitsSold3days", "viewThroughUnitsSold14days", "viewThroughUnitsSold30days", "completeViewRevenue3days", "completeViewRevenue14days", "completeViewRevenue30days", "haloCompleteViewRevenue3days", "haloCompleteViewRevenue14days", "haloCompleteViewRevenue30days", "totalCompleteViewOrders3days", "totalCompleteViewOrders14days", "totalCompleteViewOrders30days", "totalCompleteViewUnits3days", "totalCompleteViewUnits14days", "totalCompleteViewUnits30days" "2023-10-24", "600001", "600001", "200”, "20", "12", "106", "168", "114", "64", "66", "68", "156", "10","40", "60","40", "100", "120", "42", "174", "62", "20", "12.5", "38.5", "52.5", "20", "38", "48", "18", "38", "58", "18.5", "48.5", "58.5", "38.7", "68.5", "78.5", "23", "39", "48", "38", "58", "68"
If you want to retrieve videoKeywords report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 5)
Sample Response 5 For Report Type Video Keywords:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "14", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “14”. The file format is “CSV”:
"date", "campaignId", "adGroupId", "biddedKeyword", "matchType", "numAdsShown", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "attributedUnits3days", "attributedUnits14days", "attributedUnits30days",
"attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days", "viewableImpressions", "videoFirstQuartileViews", "videoMidpointViews", "videoThirdQuartileViews", "videoCompleteViews","videoUnmutes", "video5SecondViews", "attributedSales3days", "attributedSales14days", "attributedSales30days", "videoImpressions", "keywordId", "viewThroughSales3days", "viewThroughSales14days", "viewThroughSales30days", "viewThroughOrders3days", "viewThroughOrders14days", "viewThroughOrders30days", "viewThroughUnitsSold3days", "viewThroughUnitsSold14days", "viewThroughUnitsSold30days", "completeViewRevenue3days", "completeViewRevenue14days", "completeViewRevenue30days", "haloCompleteViewRevenue3days", "haloCompleteViewRevenue14days", "haloCompleteViewRevenue30days", " totalCompleteViewOrders3days", "totalCompleteViewOrders14days", "totalCompleteViewOrders30days", "totalCompleteViewUnits3days", "totalCompleteViewUnits14days", "totalCompleteViewUnits30days" "2023-10-24", "600001", "600001", "bkey”, "exact", "100", "10", "53", "84", "57", "32", "33","34", "123", "10", "20", "30", "50", "60", "27", "43", "29", "21", "87", "20", "50", "12.5", "38.5", "52.5", "20", "38", "48", "18", "38", "58", "18.5", "48.5", "58.5", "38.7", "68.5", "78.5", "23", "39", "48", "38", "58", "68"
If you want to retrieve attributedPurchases report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 6) :
Sample Response 6 for Report Type Attributed Purchases:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "15", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “15”. The file format is “CSV”:
"adGroupId", "advertisedItemId", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days", "attributionType", "campaignId", "date", "ntbOrders3days", "ntbOrders14days", "ntbOrders30days", "ntbRevenue3days", "ntbRevenue14days", "ntbRevenue30days", "ntbUnits3days", "ntbUnits14days", "ntbUnits30days", "purchasedItemId", "purchasedItemName", "totalSales3days", "totalSales14days", "totalSales30days", "totalUnits3days", "totalUnits14days", "totalUnits30days" "609967", "771138915", "33", "35", "40", "Advertised", "600001", "2023-10-24", "67", "80", "100", "49", "56", "67", "6","8", "12", "70003", "item1", "29", "47", "51", "3", "25", "50"
If you want to retrieve search Impression report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 7) :
Sample Response 7 for Report Type Search Impression to retrieve trailing 30-day report with day-level aggregation
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "16", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “16” (CSV format):
"date", "searchedKeyword", “campaignId”, "numAdsShown", "searchedKeywordImpressionShare", "searchedKeywordImpressionRank", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionShare", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionRank", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days", “advertisedSkuSales3days”, “advertisedSkuSales14days”, “advertisedSkuSales30days”, “otherSkuSales3days”, “otherSkuSales14days”, “otherSkuSales30days”, “advertisedSkuUnits3days”, “advertisedSkuUnits14days”, “advertisedSkuUnits30days”, “otherSkuUnits3days”, “otherSkuUnits14days”, “otherSkuUnits30days” "2024-02-18", "sbkey1", "800005", "100", "30.71", "7", "21.21", "9", “10”, “4.41”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “35.6”, “94.21”, “260.45”, “10.32”, “77.67”, “440.2”, “4”, “6”, “9”, “1”, “3”, “7”
"2024-02-19", "sbkey1", "800005", "1000", "70.48", "5", "61.22", "12", “112”, “52.12”, “23”, “38”, “51”, “56.2”, “175.8”, “435.83”, “22.78”, “162.99”, “782.1”, “8”, “11”, “16”, “5”, “8”, “12”
…..................................... "2024-03-18", "sbkey1", "800005", "1500", "60.68", "12", "41.92", "30", “250”, “109.12”, “50”, “67”, “81”, “41.6”, “111.29”, “468.23”, “33.21”, “96.3”, “637.21”, “6”, “8”, “9”, “2”, “5”, “8”
If you want to retrieve search Impression report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 8) :
Sample Response 8 for Report Type Search Impression **to retrieve trailing 30-day cumulative report:**
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "17", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “17” (CSV format):
"startDate", "endDate", "searchedKeyword", “campaignId”, "numAdsShown", "searchedKeywordImpressionShare", "searchedKeywordImpressionRank", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionShare", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionRank", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days", “advertisedSkuSales3days”, “advertisedSkuSales14days”, “advertisedSkuSales30days”, “otherSkuSales3days”, “otherSkuSales14days”, “otherSkuSales30days”, “advertisedSkuUnits3days”, “advertisedSkuUnits14days”, “advertisedSkuUnits30days”, “otherSkuUnits3days”, “otherSkuUnits14days”, “otherSkuUnits30days” "2024-02-18", "2024-03-18", "sbkey1", "800004", "100", "30.71", "7", "21.21", "9", “10”, “4.41”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “35.6”, “94.21”, “260.45”, “10.32”, “77.67”, “440.2”, “4”, “6”, “9”, “1”, “3”, “7”
If you want to retrieve Search Impression report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 9):
Sample Response 9 for report type Search Impression to retrieve report with weekly aggregation:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "18", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “18” (CSV format):
"weekOf", "searchedKeyword", “campaignId”, "numAdsShown", "searchedKeywordImpressionShare", "searchedKeywordImpressionRank", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionShare", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionRank", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days", “advertisedSkuSales3days”, “advertisedSkuSales14days”, “advertisedSkuSales30days”, “otherSkuSales3days”, “otherSkuSales14days”, “otherSkuSales30days”, “advertisedSkuUnits3days”, “advertisedSkuUnits14days”, “advertisedSkuUnits30days”, “otherSkuUnits3days”, “otherSkuUnits14days”, “otherSkuUnits30days” "2024-03-03", "sbkey2", "800004", "100", "17.39", "106", "39.15", "108", “94”, “93.66”, “1”, “3”, “103”, “64.5”, “43.65”, “197.45”, “6.32”, “80.67”, “441.2”, “101”, “104”, “103”, “95”, “102”, “109” "2024-03-10", "sbkey2", "800004", "100", "28.11", "89", "7.15", "109", “93”, “91.11”, “4”, “5”, “106”, “24.6”, “61.21”, “205.45”, “10.32”, “85.67”, “479.2”, “104”, “103”, “95”, “93”, “101”, “98” "2024-03-17", "sbkey2", "800004", "100", "22.92", "118", "115.21", "106", “101”, “90.78”, “9”, “5”, “95”, “46.6”, “80.21”, “182.45”, “17.32”, “62.67”, “380.2”, “100”, “108”, “101”, “100”, “97”, “97”
If you want to retrieve Search Impression report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 10):
Sample Response 10 for Report Type Search Impression to retrieve report with monthly aggregation:
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "19", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “19” (CSV format):
"monthOf”, “searchedKeyword”, “campaignId”, "numAdsShown", "searchedKeywordImpressionShare", "searchedKeywordImpressionRank", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionShare", "tosSearchedKeywordImpressionRank", "numAdsClicks", "adSpend", "attributedOrders3days", "attributedOrders14days", "attributedOrders30days", “advertisedSkuSales3days”, “advertisedSkuSales14days”, “advertisedSkuSales30days”, “otherSkuSales3days”, “otherSkuSales14days”, “otherSkuSales30days”, “advertisedSkuUnits3days”, “advertisedSkuUnits14days”, “advertisedSkuUnits30days”, “otherSkuUnits3days”, “otherSkuUnits14days”, “otherSkuUnits30days” "2024-02-01", "sbkey3", "800002", "2100", "123.1", "115", "10.48", "118", “100”, “88.97”, “1”, “7”, “107”, “14.6”, “67.21”, “189.45”, “6.32”, “68.67”, “374.2”, “94”, “97”, “99”, “93”, “97”, “93” "2024-03-01", "sbkey3", "800002", "2300", "280.39", "106", "39.15", "108", “94”, “93.66”, “1”, “3”, “103”, “64.5”, “43.65”, “197.45”, “6.32”, “80.67”, “441.2”, “101”, “104”, “103”, “95”, “102”, “109”
If you want to retrieve Out of Budget Recommendations report based on the response for Create Report Request (Sample Response 11) :
Sample Response 11 for Report Type Out of Budget Recommendations :
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "20", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “20” (CSV format):
"startDate", "endDate", "campaignId", "missedImpressionsLower", "missedImpressionsUpper", "missedClicksLower", "missedClicksUpper", "avgCapOutTime", "suggestedLatestDailyBudget", "suggestedLatestTotalBudget" "2023-10-04", "2023-10-11", "12345", "20", "25", "10", "15", "1000", "50", "100" "2023-10-04", "2023-10-11", "12346", "15", "20", "30", "35", "0900", "80", "130"
Updated 4 months ago