Retrieve Campaign Entity Snapshots
You can retrieve entity by providing snapshot id and advertiser id for an advertiser.
- The output is generated in a “zip/gzip” file depending upon format chosen
- The file type in zip file will be JSON
URL: GET/api/v1/snapshot
Sample Request
curl -X GET\
'' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: ***********' \
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779' \
Element | Description | Type |
snapshotId | Id of the snapshot to be retrieved | string |
jobStatus | It is an indicator to confirm status of snapshot generation. The possible values of jobStatus are: pending , processing , done , failed , expired | string |
details | URL of the snapshot file once jobStatus reaches to state “done ” | string |
code | The response code can have following values: success , failure | string |
(Time to Live) for files generated is one day
Sample Response 1
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "1", "details": " ", "jobStatus": "done" }
The snapshot file is in JSON format that includes response for each entity type. You can request multiple entity types in one request; however, the response would be captured in one zip/gzip file as requested. It will have single JSON file returning response for all entities.
Example of the content of snapshot with id “1”. The file format is “json”:
{ "campaigns": [ { "name": "camp1", "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts", "targetingType": "auto", "status": "enabled", "budgetType": "both", "startDate": "2019-03-15", "endDate": "2019-04-15", "totalBudget": 1000, "dailyBudget": 100, "rollover": true, "advertiserId": 600001, "campaignId": 200001, "biddingStrategy" : {"strategy":"FIXED"}, “campaignOptions”: ['BRAND_TERM_OPT_OUT', 'COMPLEMENTARY_OPT_OUT'] }, { "name": "camp2", "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts", "targetingType": "auto", "status": "enabled", "budgetType": "both", "startDate": "2019-04-15", "endDate": "2019-05-15", "totalBudget": 1000, "dailyBudget": 100, "rollover": true, "advertiserId": 600001, "campaignId": 219032, "biddingStrategy" : {"strategy":"FIXED"}, “campaignOptions”: ['BRAND_TERM_OPT_OUT', 'COMPLEMENTARY_OPT_OUT'] } ], "adGroups": [ { "adGroupId": 15718, "name": "AG_FOR_CAMPAIGN_14758", "status": "enabled", "campaignId": 100002 }, { "adGroupId": 10625, "name": "01_ABB_A6019", "status": "enabled", "campaignId": 106063 } ]
Sample Response 2
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "2", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “2”. The file format is “json”:
{ "placementBidMultipliers": [ { "campaignId": 170621, "placementType": "Buy-Box", "multiplier": 0 }, { "campaignId": 170621, "placementType": "Search In-grid", "multiplier": 0 } ], "platformBidMultipliers": [ { "campaignId": 17062, "platformType": "Desktop", "multiplier": 0 }, { "campaignId": 17062, "platformType": "App", "multiplier": 0 } ], "adItem": [ { "campaignId": 106061, "adGroupId": 106250, "itemId": "46492243", "adItemId": 52196, "bid": 2, "status": "enabled", "itemImageUrl": "", "itemPageUrl": "", "name": "TV Console" } ]
Sample Response 3
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "3", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “3”. The file format is “json”:
{ "campaigns": { "name": "camp3", "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts", "targetingType": "auto", "status": "enabled", "budgetType": "both", "startDate": "2019-02-01", "endDate": "2019-03-01", "totalBudget": 899999, "dailyBudget": 100, "rollover": true, "advertiserId": 600003, "campaignId": 183000, "biddingStrategy" : {"strategy":"FIXED"}, “campaignOptions”: ['BRAND_TERM_OPT_OUT', 'COMPLEMENTARY_OPT_OUT'] }, "adGroups": { "adGroupId": 157181, "name": "AG_FOR_CAMPAIGN_14758", "status": "enabled", "campaignId": 147581 }, "keywords": { "campaignId": 170910, "adGroupId": 181590, "keywordId": 36511789533, "state": "enabled", "keywordText": "pedialyte", "keywordCategory": null, "status": "awaiting_approval", "matchType": "exact", "bid": 2 }, "adItem": { "campaignId": 106061, "adGroupId": 106250, "itemId": "46492243", "adItemId": 52196, "bid": 2, "status": "enabled", "itemImageUrl": "", "itemPageUrl": "", "name": "TV Console" }, "placementBidMultipliers": { "campaignId": 170621, "placementType": "Buy-Box", "multiplier": 0 }, "platformBidMultipliers": { "campaignId": 17062, "platformType": "Desktop", "multiplier": 0 }
Sample Response 4
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "4", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “4”. The file format is “json”:
{ "campaigns": { "name": "camp3", "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts", "targetingType": "auto", "status": "enabled", "budgetType": "both", "startDate": "2019-02-01", "endDate": "2019-03-01", "totalBudget": 899999, "dailyBudget": 100, "rollover": true, "advertiserId": 600003, "campaignId": 183000, "biddingStrategy" : {"strategy":"FIXED"}, “campaignOptions”: ['BRAND_TERM_OPT_OUT', 'COMPLEMENTARY_OPT_OUT'] }, "adGroups": { "adGroupId": 157181, "name": "AG_FOR_CAMPAIGN_14758", "status": "enabled", "campaignId": 147581 }, "keywords": { "campaignId": 170910, "adGroupId": 181590, "keywordId": 36511789533, "state": "enabled", "keywordText": "pedialyte", "keywordCategory": null, "status": "awaiting_approval", "matchType": "exact", "bid": 2 }, "adItem": { "campaignId": 106061, "adGroupId": 106250, "itemId": "46492243", "adItemId": 52196, "bid": 2, "status": "enabled", "itemImageUrl": "", "itemPageUrl": "", "name": "TV Console" }, "placementBidMultipliers": { "campaignId": 170621, "placementType": "Buy-Box", "multiplier": 0 }, "platformBidMultipliers": { "campaignId": 17062, "platformType": "Desktop", "multiplier": 0 }, "campaignPlacements": { "campaignId": 600002, "placements": { "placement": "Search Carousel", "status": "included" } }
Sample Response 5
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "5", "details": "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “5”. The file format is “json”:
Note: If a campaign has two Sponsored Brand profiles, the response will have 2 different Sponsored Brand profile IDs associated with the same campaign ID and ad group ID with the Sponsored Brand profile’s respective status
{ "sbaProfiles": [ { "searchAmpName": "text1", "headLineText": "text2", "sbaProfileId": 600000, "logoUrl": "logo URL", "clickUrl": "", "reviewStatus": "pending", "reviewReason": null, "adGroupId": 600001, "campaignId": 200001, "status": "enabled" } ], "categories": [ { "adGroupId": 100001, "campaignId": 100002, "id": 100003, "categoryId": "4908_439045_1010345", "state": "enabled", "bid": 5.23 } ]
Sample Response 6
{ "code": "success", "snapshotId": "6", "details" : "", "jobStatus": "done" }
Example of the content of snapshot with id “6”. The file format is “json”:
{ "campaigns":[ { "name": "Video Campaign", "campaignType": "video", "targetingType": "manual", "status": "Proposal", "budgetType": "both", "startDate": "%currentDate%", "endDate": "%currentDatePlus1Month%", "totalBudget": 10000.0, "dailyBudget": 2000.0, "rollover": true, "advertiserId": 600001, "campaignId": 600007, "channel": "", "biddingStrategy" : {"strategy":"FIXED"}, “campaignOptions”: ['BRAND_TERM_OPT_OUT', 'COMPLEMENTARY_OPT_OUT'] } ], "adGroups":[ { "adGroupId":600008, "name":"Ad Group Video", "status":"Enabled", "campaignId":600007 } ], "keywords":[ { "campaignId":600006, "adGroupId":600007, "keywordId":600007, "state":"enabled", "keywordText":"sv keyword 2 normalized", "keywordCategory":null, "status":"pending", "matchType":"exact", "bid":5.85 }, { "campaignId":600005, "adGroupId":600006, "keywordId":600008, "state":"enabled", "keywordText":"sv keyword 1 normalized", "keywordCategory":null, "status":"pending", "matchType":"exact", "bid":5.85 } ], "adItem":[ { "campaignId":600001, "adGroupId":600001, "itemId":"562728956", "adItemId":600003, "bid":3.0, "status":"enabled", "itemImageUrl":"", "name":"TV", "itemPageUrl":"", "reviewReason": null, "reviewStatus": "approved" }, { "campaignId":600002, "adGroupId":600003, "itemId":"45769024", "adItemId":600004, "bid":1.5, "status":"enabled", "itemImageUrl":"", "name":"TV Stand", "itemPageUrl":"", "reviewReason": null, "reviewStatus": "approved" } ], "adGroupMedias": [ { "campaignId": 600007, "adGroupId": 600008, "adGroupMediaId": 600003, "mediaId": 600001, "reviewStatus": "pending", "reviewReason": null, "status": "enabled" } ] }
Updated 12 days ago