Report Type availability by Snapshot v1 & v2 Endpoint, Campaign Type, and Advertiser Type
Report Type via API | Report Name onWalmart Connect Ad Center | Report Availability via Snapshot endpoint | Auto Bidded Campaigns | Keyword Bidded Campaigns | Sponsored Brands | Sponsored Videos | Advertiser Type(1p: Suppliers, 3p: Sellers) |
adItem | Item Performance *Available via On-Demand Reports section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
adGroup | Ad Group Performance *Available via Custom Reports section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
platform | Platform Performance *Available via Advertiser Reports section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
pageType | Page Type Performance *Available via Advertiser Reports section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
keyword | Keyword Performance *Available via On-Demand section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
brand | Brand Performance *Available via Custom Reports section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Only 1p |
category | Category Performance *Available via Advertiser Reports section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Only 1p |
placement | Placement Performance *Available via On-Demand section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 *Note: This report is deprecated on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Both 1p and 3p |
itemKeyword | Item Keyword Performance *Available via On-Demand section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Both 1p and 3p |
videoCampaigns | Sponsored Videos Campaign Performance *Available via On-Demand section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 | No | No | No | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
videoKeywords | Sponsored Videos Keyword Performance *Available via On-Demand section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 | No | No | No | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
attributedPurchases | Attributed Purchases Report *Available via On-Demand section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
searchImpression | Search Term Impression Share Report *Available via On-Demand section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Both 1p and 3p |
outOfBudgetRecommendations | Available via All Campaigns page on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
itemHealth | Item Health | Only via Snapshot v1 *Note: Please migrate over to latest Item Health report (reportType = itemHealthV2 ) on Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
itemHealthV2 | Item Health *Available via Item Health section under Reports Tab on Walmart Connect Ad Center | Only via Snapshot v1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both 1p and 3p |
Updated 6 days ago