Ad Groups

Ad Group API Limitation

  • A maximum of 50 entities can be created/updated in a single POST/PUT batch request
  • Limit on length of ad group name is 255 characters
  • Limit on number of items in an ad group is 2000
  • Limit on number of “keyword-match type” combinations in an ad group is 1000.


  • Similar keyword with different match types will be counted as separate entries. e.g.: laptop-exact match and laptop-broad match will count as two entries.
    • All existing ad groups with more than 2000 items and/or more than 1000 keyword- match type combinations will continue to function normally.
  • There is no limit on number of ad groups in a campaign
  • Limit on number of ad groups that an advertiser can create per advertiser account is 15000
  • For Sponsored Brands (earlier known as Search Brand Amplifier or SBA) campaigns, only one ad group is allowed per campaign