List All the Campaigns

Retrieve a specific campaign or all the campaigns for a specific advertiser.


URL: ​GET/api/v1/campaigns

Note: It will not return deleted campaigns.

Query Parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequiredPossible Values
campaignIdThe ID of the campaign. It returns a specific campaign in responseintegerNA valid campaign ID
advertiserIdThe ID of the advertiser. It returns all campaigns run by specific advertiser in responseintegerYAdvertiser ID for the campaign(s) to be retrieved
filter[name]A valid campaign name with which the desired campaign can be searched in the absence of campaign idNote: characters encoding is required for [ and ]stringNProvide a campaign name to search the relevant campaign by name instead of campaign Id.
filter[lastModifiedDate]Provide a date to fetch only those campaigns which were modified on or after that dateNote: Modified describes any change to campaign set upNote: characters encoding is required for [ and ]dateNDate should be in format: yyyy-mm-dd

Sample Request

curl -X GET \ '[name]=camp1&filter[lastModifiedDate]=2019-07-03' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'WM_SEC.AUTH_SIGNATURE: **************'\
--header 'WM_SEC.KEY_VERSION: 1' \ 
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.ID: adfwe-v23-faasd2r-afs-asdfqeff' \
--header 'WM_CONSUMER.intimestamp: 1565309779'\


Element DescriptionType
nameName of the campaignstring
campaignTypeType of campaign. Possible values for campaign type:
  • sponsoredProducts
  • sba
  • video
  • You receive campaign type “sba” in association with targeting type “manual” (for Sponsored Brands campaigns).
  • You receive campaign type “video” in association with targeting type “manual” (for Sponsored Videos campaigns).
targetingTypeThe targeting type of the campaign is a set of options to create campaigns with different bidding types.Possible values to targeting type are:
  • manual
  • auto
Note: You receive targeting type as “manual” in case of keyword bidding campaigns (including Sponsored Brands) and Sponsored Video
statusSpecified status of campaign. Possible status values are:
  • Enabled
  • Scheduled
  • Rescheduled
  • Live
  • Paused
  • Completed
  • Proposal
  • If you extend a completed campaign, the campaign status changes to “rescheduled” and eventually switches to “live”
  • An API campaign acquires “proposal” status when you create it through Self-Serve tool. This indicates that the respective campaign is in draft mode and has not been scheduled yet
  • It is not recommended to create API campaigns via Self-Serve. You should use the API to create API campaigns because campaigns created this way do not have a draft option and they are directly scheduled.
budgetTypeThe type of budget allocation chosen for the campaign. Possible values of budgetType are:
  • daily
  • total
  • both
startDateThe date to start campaigndate 
endDateThe date when Campaign ends. It returns value 9999-12-30 if running indefinitelydate
totalBudgetTotal budget of campaigndouble
dailyBudget Daily budget of campaigndouble
rolloverThe indicator to suggest whether the unspent daily budget from the previous day should be carried forward to next day’s daily budget or not. The default and only value of rollover is “true” at present.boolean
biddingStrategyA json object to store the bidding strategy. This stores bidding strategy through the field: strategy  The possible values of the strategy field are: 
  • DYNAMIC – Indicates the bidding strategy is dynamic
  • FIXED – Indicates the bidding strategy is fixed
  • TROAS – Indicates the bidding strategy is Target ROAS
    • An additional field “troas” will be passed if the biddingStrategy is defined as TROAS. The “troas” value must meet a minimum of 0.00 and maximum of 10000.00
    • Note: TROAS bidding strategy is unavailable for beta testing at this time.
campaignOptionsList of campaign setting options for a given campaign. Possible campaign setting options (only applicable to Sponsored Search automatic campaigns):
  • Brand Term Targeting (BTT)
  • Complementary Product Targeting (CPT)
campaignIdThe ID of the campaigninteger
advertiserIdThe ID of the advertiser for whom the campaign is retrievedinteger

Sample Response

[ { "name": "name1", "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts", "targetingType": "auto", "status": "enabled", "budgetType": "both", "startDate": "2019-07-03", "endDate": "2019-08-03", "totalBudget": 5000, "dailyBudget": 500, "rollover": true, "advertiserId": 600001, "campaignId": 500003, "biddingStrategy": { "strategy": "FIXED" }, "campaignOptions": ["BRAND_TERM_OPT_OUT"] }