Definitions of Retrievable Snapshot Reports across Snapshot v1 & v2 endpoints


  • keyword: This report indicates which keywords your advertised items are being served against. This information can help you optimize keyword bids (*available in Manual/Keyword bidding campaigns only). 

    • Inside this report there are two new columns for  Bid and Average CPC:

      • Bid is the maximum you will pay for a click when this target triggers your ad. 

      • Average CPC is the average amount you paid for a click on an ad.  

    • If the Searched Keyword is alphabetical or alphanumeric, that means your ad was shown on the Search In-grid position of the given keyword. 

    • If the Searched Keyword is a number, that means your ad was shown on the Buy Box or Item Carousel of the given item ID. 

    • Data will only be included in the Keyword Performance report if at least one of the following is true:

      • Impressions are greater than 10
      • Ad spend is greater than $0.00
      • Attributed sales is greater than $0.00. 
  • adItem: This report provides key performance metrics for the items in all of your campaigns. This information can help you improve current and future Sponsored Products campaigns. 

  • platform: The performance of which device type the products in your campaign are displaying on

    • app – performance from the Walmart iOS and Android app
    • desktop – performance from the website on desktop and tablets
    • mobile – performance from the website on mobile web
    • others – performance from a platform we are unable to detect at the time 
  • pageType: The performance of those page types where the items in your campaign are showing on. E.g. Search Page, Browse Page, Item Page, Category page.

    • browse – sub-category pages with algorithmic item selection (e.g. selecting the “Monitors” category in the “Electronics & Office” department) 
    • item – specific item pages 
    • search – search pages based on a customer’s query (e.g. searching “bed sets”) 
    • topic – custom curated search pages, found from searches outside of as search engines) that lead back to
    • category – category pages (e.g. selecting the “Feeding” category in the “Baby” department)
    • homepage – home page high visibility personalization carousels
      Note: This pageType report is only available for Auto Campaigns
    • other – any other pages not falling into the categories above or if our beacon was unable to track which page type the user was visiting
  • adGroup: The performance of individual ad groups within your campaign

  • brand: The Performance of the different brands within your campaign available to Walmart suppliers (1p suppliers) only.

  • category: The performance of the categories of the items in your campaign. Available to Walmart suppliers (1p advertiser) only

  • placement: This report provides key performance metrics for your campaigns by the placement the ads are served in. This information can help you to improve current and future Sponsored Products campaigns. Use bid multipliers to optimize placements based on their performance. 

    • For a keyword campaign: Search In-grid, Carousel, Buybox, Others
    • For an Auto campaign: Search In-grid, Carousel, Buybox, Browse In-Grid, Stock Up, Home Page, Others
      Note: For Auto campaigns, “carousel” in placement report includes aggregate performance across all ad carousels. For Manual campaigns, however, “carousel” includes “Item Page Carousel” and “Search Carousel”. These metrics are based on what placement is included as part of the campaign.
      Note: Keyword Performance and Item Keyword reports both include data only if at least one of the following is true:
    • Impressions are greater than 10
    • Ad spend is greater than $0.00
    • Attributed sale is greater than $0.00
      Because of this you should expect a discrepancy between keyword
      reports and other reports so metrics should not be compared directly
  • attributedPurchases: This report offers granular insights into purchased products attributed to your Sponsored Search campaigns, with data grouped by cumulative vs daily and their corresponding new-to-brand (NTB) metrics. The report allows advertisers to identify new ad opportunities and understand which products are engaging new-to-brand customers. The reported items are always within your own account portfolio.  

  • videoCampaigns: This report offers aggregated performance data for all sponsored videos campaign performance at campaign level, including standard Sponsored Search metrics, video engagement metrics, and view-based sales attribution metrics. 

  • videoKeywords: This report offers aggregated performance data for all sponsored videos campaign performance at keyword level, including standard Sponsored Search metrics, video engagement metrics, and view-based sales attribution metrics. 

  • outOfBudgetRecommendations: This report offers insights on aggregated missed opportunities (clicks and impressions) for last 7 days for campaign(s) which went out of budget for T-1 time and provides latest daily and/or total budget recommendations so that you can update the budget recommendations to avoid campaign(s) going out of budget.

    • Significance of T-1 time : If you request a report today, you will receive recommendations for any campaign which went out of budget yesterday.
    • The daily and/or total budget recommendation will be latest and not cumulative for last 7 days.
    • If the campaign(s) did not go OOB for T-1 time and does not have any recommendations, the report will not show the entry for those campaign(s). This means if you request a report today, those campaigns that didn’t go OOB yesterday, will not be listed in the report.
    • “startDate” and “endDate” dimensions are mandatory in the reportMetrics.
    • “campaignId” metric is mandatory in the reportMetrics
    • the “outOfBudgetRecommendations” will provide cumulative missed impressions and clicks for last 7 days for any campaign(s) which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 time for an advertiser account. This means if you request a report today and if the campaign went OOB yesterday, you would see cumulative missed impressions and clicks for last 7 days.
    • The “outOfBudgetRecommendations” will only provide latest daily and/or total budget recommendations and not cumulative for the last 7 days period for any campaign(s) which went OOB for T-1 time for an advertiser account. This means if you request a report today and if the campaign went OOB yesterday, you would see the latest daily and/or total budget recommendations. Use these budget recommendations to update your campaign(s) to ensure the campaign(s) do not go out of budget.
    • If the campaign has only a daily budget set, the total budget recommendation will be null if requested in the report metrics. Viceversa holds true if campaign has only a total budget set
    • This report will also provide avg cap out time I.e., the average time (in military format) in the event of the campaign going OOB in last 7 days as applicable.
    • This new report type is advertiser account based and will list missed opportunities and latest budget recommendations for all campaign(s) belonging to the advertiser account which went OOB for T-1 time.
    • Unlike other snapshot v2 report types, this report type will not take any reportDate and startDate, endDate in the request because we are providing missed opportunities details for last 7 days period and not on any time range. Passing reportDate or startDate, endDate in the request will result in error.
    • The lookback window for this report is 7 days.
    • For any reason, if missed clicks and impressions are missing whereas budget recommendations exist, then missed clicks and impressions will be null.
    • For any reason, if avg. cap out time is missing whereas budget recommendations exist, then avg. cap out time will be null.
    • Our model calculates the missed opportunities and budget recommendations once every 24 hours for OOB campaigns. This feature is in beta phase but available to be used for all advertising accounts while we continue to iterate on our model.
  • itemKeyword: This report indicates which keywords your advertised items are being served against, and how well the advertised items are performing for those keywords. This information can help you improve current and future Sponsored Products campaigns. 

    • Automatic campaigns:  Use this report to identify keywords that showed your ads in Search In-Grid placements and delivered high performance. You can then add these keywords to Manual campaigns. 
    • Manual campaigns:  Use the additional information to optimize campaign performance: bid higher on more-valuable keywords and/or remove underperforming items. 
  • itemHealth OR itemHealthV2: The Item Health report enables advertisers to see the health of their sponsored items and take corrective actions as needed, to improve item performance and reach their desired campaign goals. 

  • searchImpression: This report offers search term level impression share insights, enabling ad optimization by using detailed performance data. Please note, data will only be included in this report for search terms with at least ten impressions. Get insights for your Sponsored Products’ Search In-grid ad share of voice, displaying your ad impression share and rank, along with the top four ad positions’ share and rank. This report offers insights on how your impressions for a specific search term stack up against the total impressions your campaigns were eligible to receive.
    This report offers four aggregation levels:

    • Day-level for the trailing 30 days
    • Cumulative for the trailing 30 days
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
      Note: Only weekly and monthly aggregation levels support custom date ranges. Please see the table below and the sample requests and responses for more details.
Aggregation LevelExpected Request Parameters
Day-level for the trailing 30 daysPass date inside the reportMetrics array   Note: Do not pass request parameters reportDate, startDate, or endDate as these are not supported for this aggregation level and will result in error.
Cumulative for the trailing 30 daysPass both startDate & endDate inside the reportMetrics array   Note: Do not pass request parameters reportDate, startDate, or endDate as these are not supported for this aggregation level and will result in error.
WeeklyPass weekOf inside the reportMetrics array AND Pass desired date range in payload with both startDate & endDate   Note: startDate must use a Sunday and endDate must use a Saturday. The date range you can request must be within a 90-day window.
MonthlyPass monthOf inside the reportMetrics array AND Pass desired date range in payload with both startDate & endDate   Note: startDate must use the first day of the month and endDate must use the last day of the month. The requested time window must be within 90 days.


  • itemRecommendations: This recommendations report offers unadvertised items with the potential to perform well in a Walmart Sponsored Search campaign. Use the report to identify items to add to new or in-flight campaigns, to help boost sales. Recommendations are refreshed weekly and can be filtered by brand, category and department. It’s best practice to review your item recommendations on a weekly basis. 
  • keywordRecommendations OR matchTypeKeywordRecommendations: This recommendations report automatically identifies keywords with the potential to enhance item visibility and boost sales for live Sponsored Search Manual campaigns, based on the advertiser’s in-flight campaign performance and organic search data. Advertisers can save time and effort by easily selecting new keywords that align with their campaign goals and strategies and adding them to their in-flight campaigns to optimize performance.