Definition of Various Parameters Generated Across the Snapshot Reports
Note: All in-store metrics are currently in Open Beta and are only included in metrics with the prefix ‘inStore’. In-store metrics will have a 72-hour delay for data availability.
Note: For more information, refer to the Campaign Reporting section here
Element | Description | Data Type | Element Type | Report Type |
adGroupId | Id of the ad group | integer | Dimension | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
adSpend | The amount of budget spent in dollars Note: • adSpend can be retrieved by the formula: CPC*clicks • CPC Bid amount will be restricted to first two decimal places for advertisers. Any decimal digit beyond the first 2 digits will be truncated without rounding off | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
advertisedItemId | Item Id of the item advertised in the ad by the customer | integer | Dimension | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
advertisedSkuSales3days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
advertisedSkuSales14days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
advertisedSkuSales30days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
advertisedSkuUnits3days | Units generated from the direct click of the advertised SKU, over 3 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
advertisedSkuUnits14days | Units generated from the direct click of the advertised SKU, over 14 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
advertisedSkuUnits30days | Units generated from the direct click of the advertised SKU, over 30 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedOrders3days | Total attributed orders placed over 3 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedOrders14days | Total attributed orders placed over 14 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedOrders30days | Total attributed orders placed over 30 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributionType | Describes whether a purchase is attributed to a product advertised in the campaign or to other attribution logic. Values are : Advertised Other | String | Dimension | attributedPurchases |
attributedUnits3days | Total attributed units sold over 3 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedUnits14days | Total attributed units sold over 14 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedUnits30days | Total attributed units sold over 30 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedSales3days | Total attributed sales revenue made from units sold over 3 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedSales14days | Total attributed sales revenue made from units sold over 14 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
attributedSales30days | Total sales revenue made from units sold over 30 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
avgCapOutTime | The average cap out time is the average time for which the campaign went out of budget in the last 7 days. This value is represented in military time e.g. 1000 refers to 10 AM. | integer | Metric | outOfBudgetRecommendations |
biddedKeyword | Actual Keyword that was used in bidding Note: biddedKeyword column will provide bidded category path for rows reporting on category bids. i.e. when matchType is category | string | Dimension | keyword, videoKeywords |
brand | Different brands of items in your campaign | string | Dimension | brand |
brandAttributedSales3days | Attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
brandAttributedSales14days | Attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
brandAttributedSales30days | Attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
campaignId | Id of the campaign Note: “campaignId” is mandatory metric for “outOfBudgetRecommendations” | integer | Dimension | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, outOfBudgetRecommendations, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
category | Categories of the items in your campaign | string | Dimension | category |
completeViewRevenue3days | These metric tracks sales that are attributed to a full ad view within a 3-day window. It includes only the sales for the Advertisers SKU. Note: The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
completeViewRevenue14days | These metric tracks sales that are attributed to a full ad view within a 14-day window. It includes only the sales for the Advertisers SKU. Note: The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
completeViewRevenue30days | These metric tracks sales that are attributed to a full ad view within a 30-day window. It includes only the sales for the Advertisers SKU. Note: The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
date | Specific day and time for which the report is pulled. | date-time | Dimension | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
directAttributedSales3days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
directAttributedSales14days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
directAttributedSales30days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
endDate | The last day of the window, for which a report is pulled Note: For “outOfBudgetRecommendations”, endDate refers to the end date of the 7 days’ time and is mandatory | date | Dimension | searchImpression |
haloCompleteViewRevenue3days | This metric tracks sales attributed to a full ad view over a 3-day period. It considers only the sales of Other SKUs, excluding any Advertisers SKU sales. Note: The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
haloCompleteViewRevenue14days | This metric tracks sales attributed to a full ad view over a 14-day period. It considers only the sales of Other SKUs, excluding any Advertisers SKU sales. Note: The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
haloCompleteViewRevenue30days | This metric tracks sales attributed to a full ad view over a 30-day period. It considers only the sales of Other SKUs, excluding any Advertisers SKU sales. Note: The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Other attributed sales. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
inStoreAdvertisedSales3days | (Beta) In-store attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item, over 3 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreAdvertisedSales14days | (Beta) In-store attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item, over 14 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreAdvertisedSales30days | (Beta) In-store attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item, over 30 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreAttributedSales3days | (Beta) In-store total attributed sales revenue made from units sold, over 3 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreAttributedSales14days | (Beta) In-store total attributed sales revenue made from units sold, over 14 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreAttributedSales30days | (Beta) In-store total attributed sales revenue made from units sold, over 30 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreOrders3days | (Beta) In-store total attributed orders over 3 day click. | Integer | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreOrders14days | (Beta) In-store total attributed orders over 14 day click. | Integer | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreOrders30days | (Beta) In-store total attributed orders over 30 day click. | Integer | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreOtherSales3days | (Beta) In-store attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item, over 3 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreOtherSales14days | (Beta) In-store attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item, over 14 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreOtherSales30days | (Beta) In-store attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item, over 30 day click. | double | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreUnitsSold3days | (Beta) In-store total attributed units, over 3 day click. | integer | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreUnitsSold14days | (Beta) In-store total attributed units, over 14 day click. | integer | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
inStoreUnitsSold30days | (Beta) In-store total attributed units, over 30 day click. | integer | Metric | adItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform |
itemId | Id of the item | integer | Dimension | adItem |
itemImage | Item Image URL for items else Logo URL for itemId ‘1001’ | string | Dimension | adItem |
itemName | Name of the item | string | Dimension | adItem |
keywordId | Id of the keyword Note: • keywordId holds good only for keywords added in manual campaigns. It will be returned empty for a keyword in auto campaign. • For Sponsored Brand campaigns and Sponsored Videos campaigns only: In snapshot report, keywordId will be empty for a row, showing category performance data i.e. the keywordId will be empty when the matchType is category. | integer | Dimension | keyword, videoKeywords |
matchType | Match type is a set of options to decide matching criteria for keywords Match type values can be: exact, phrase, broad | string | Dimension | keyword, videoKeywords |
missedClicksLower | This field provides cumulative lower range of missed clicks over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 time | integer | Metric | outOfBudgetRecommendations |
missedClicksUpper | This field provides cumulative upper range of missed clicks over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 time | integer | Metric | outOfBudgetRecommendations |
missedImpressionsLower | This field will provide cumulative lower range of missed impressions over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 time | integer | Metric | outOfBudgetRecommendations |
missedImpressionsUpper | This field will provide cumulative upper range of missed impressions over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 time | integer | Metric | outOfBudgetRecommendations |
monthOf | The first day of the month-long window for the corresponding data. This field is valid only for the Search Term Impression Report. | date | Dimension | searchImpression |
ntbOrders3days | The number of first-time orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 3 days. This metric includes all placement types. Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbOrders14days | The number of first-time orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 14 days. This metric includes all placement types. Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbOrders30days | The number of first-time orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 30 days. This metric includes all placement types. Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbUnits3days | The number of units purchased from new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 3 days. This metric includes all placement types. Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbUnits14days | The number of units purchased from new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 14 days. This metric includes all placement types. Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbUnits30days | The number of units purchased from new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 30 days. This metric includes all placement types. Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbRevenue3days | The total sales of new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 3 days. This metric includes all placement types Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbRevenue14days | The total sales of new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 14 days. This metric includes all placement types Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
ntbRevenue30days | The total sales of new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 30 days. This metric includes all placement types Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
numAdsClicks | Number of ads clicked | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
numAdsShown | Number of ads shown | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
otherSkuSales3days | Attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
otherSkuSales14days | Attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
otherSkuSales30days | Attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click. This is for online sales only. | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
otherSkuUnits3days | Units generated from direct click of same brand as the advertised item over 3 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
otherSkuUnits14days | U~n~its generated from direct click of same brand as the advertised item over 14 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
otherSkuUnits30days | U~n~its generated from direct click of same brand as the advertised item over 30 day click. This is for online sales only. | integer | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
pageType | Different page types for page specific reports. The values for page types: browse, item, search, topic, category, homepage, other (any other pages not falling into the categories above) | string | Dimension | pageType |
placement | The location or placement to serve ads for keyword campaigns. Possible values are: Search In-grid, Browse In-grid, Search Carousel, Browse Carousel, Item Carousel, Buy Box, Home Page, Stock Up | string | Dimension | placement |
platform | The platform where the campaign is running. The values for platform: mobile, desktop, app, others | string | Dimension | platform |
purchasedItemId | Item Id of the item purchased by the customer attributable to advertiser’s campaign | integer | Dimension | attributedPurchases |
purchasedItemName | Item name of the item purchased by the customer attributable to advertiser’s campaign | string | Dimension | attributedPurchases |
relatedAttributedSales3days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the same brand and category as the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
relatedAttributedSales14days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the same brand and category as the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
relatedAttributedSales30days | Attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the same brand and category as the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click. Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31 | double | Metric | adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
searchedKeyword | searchedKeyword field will provide: • search query entered by the site visitor, in an event when an ad is delivered on Search Carousel or Search In-grid placements • Item ID (anchor item) specific to the Item Page on which the ad is delivered, in an event when an ad is delivered on the item page placements Note: maximum character length of 60 characters is returned for searchedKeyword. | string | Dimension | keyword, searchImpression |
searchedKeywordImpressionRank | rank of search term, determined based on raw count of impressions | integer | Metric | searchImpression |
searchedKeywordImpressionShare | impressions for a search term /Total eligible impressions for that search term | double | Metric | searchImpression |
startDate | The first day, of the window for which a report is pulled Note: For “outOfBudgetRecommendations”, startDate refers to the start date of the 7 days’ time and is mandatory | date | Dimension | outOfBudgetRecommendations, searchImpression |
totalCompleteViewOrders3days | This metric tracks orders that are attributed to a full ad view within a 3-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU orders and Other SKU orders. The Attributed orders are measured specifically after a complete view, covering both Advertised and Other attributed sales. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
totalCompleteViewOrders14days | This metric tracks orders that are attributed to a full ad view within a 14-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU orders and Other SKU orders. The Attributed orders are measured specifically after a complete view, covering both Advertised and Other attributed sales. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
totalCompleteViewOrders30days | This metric tracks orders that are attributed to a full ad view within a 30-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU orders and Other SKU orders. The Attributed orders are measured specifically after a complete view, covering both Advertised and Other attributed sales. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
totalCompleteViewUnits3days | This metric tracks the units sold, attributed to a full ad view within a 3-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU units sold and Other SKU units sold. The Attributed units sold are measured specifically after a complete view, encompassing both Advertised and Other attributed sales. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
totalCompleteViewUnits14days | This metric tracks the units sold, attributed to a full ad view within a 14-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU units sold and Other SKU units sold. The Attributed units sold are measured specifically after a complete view, encompassing both Advertised and Other attributed sales. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
totalCompleteViewUnits30days | This metric tracks the units sold, attributed to a full ad view within a 30-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU units sold and Other SKU units sold. The Attributed units sold are measured specifically after a complete view, encompassing both Advertised and Other attributed sales. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
tosSearchedKeywordImpressionRank | Top of Search – Search term Impression rank | integer | Metric | searchImpression |
tosSearchedKeywordImpressionShare | Top of Search – Search term Impression share | double | Metric | searchImpression |
totalSales3days | The total product sales that advertiser receives from their ads within 3 days attribution window from the date the ad was clicked | double | Metric | attributedPurchases |
totalSales14days | The total product sales that advertiser receives from their ads within 14 days attribution window from the date the ad was clicked | double | Metric | attributedPurchases |
totalSales30days | The total product sales that advertiser receives from their ads within 30 days attribution window from the date the ad was clicked | double | Metric | attributedPurchases |
totalUnits3days | The total units that advertiser receives from their ads within 3 days attribution window from the date the ad was clicked | integer | Metric | attributedPurchases |
totalUnits14days | The total units that advertiser receives from their ads within 14 days attribution window from the date the ad was clicked | integer | Metric | attributedPurchases |
totalUnits30days | The total units that advertiser receives from their ads within 30 days attribution window from the date the ad was clicked | integer | Metric | attributedPurchases |
videoCompleteViews | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100%. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
videoFirstQuartileViews | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25%. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
videoImpressions | The number of video impressions that met the MRC delivered impression standard; when the first frame of the video is rendered | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
videoMidpointViews | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50%. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
videoThirdQuartileViews | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75%. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
videoUnmutes | The number of impressions where the shopper unmuted the video. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
video5SecondViews | The number of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds, whichever is shorter | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewableImpressions | The number of impressions that met the MRC viewability standard, which is 50% viewable with 2 seconds playback completed | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughOrders3days | This evaluates the orders credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 3-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU orders and excluding other orders. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughOrders14days | This evaluates the orders credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 14-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU orders and excluding other orders. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughOrders30days | This evaluates the orders credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 30-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU orders and excluding other orders. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughSales3days | This calculates the sales credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 3-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU sales and excluding other sales. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughSales14days | This calculates the sales credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 14-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU sales and excluding other sales. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed sales are measured after a 2-second view. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughSales30days | This calculates the sales credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 30-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU sales and excluding other sales. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | double | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughUnitsSold3days | This calculates the units sold by attributing them to ad views (MRC defined view) within a 3-day window. It considers only the units sold for the Advertised SKU and excludes any other units sold. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughUnitsSold14days | This calculates the units sold by attributing them to ad views (MRC defined view) within a 14-day window. It considers only the units sold for the Advertised SKU and excludes any other units sold. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
viewThroughUnitsSold30days | This calculates the units sold by attributing them to ad views (MRC defined view) within a 30-day window. It considers only the units sold for the Advertised SKU and excludes any other units sold. Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view. | integer | Metric | videoCampaigns, videoKeywords |
suggestedLatestDailyBudget | This field provides the suggested latest daily budget recommendation to be applied to a campaign so that the campaign does not go out of budget. | double | Metric | outOfBudgetRecommendations |
suggestedLatestTotalBudget | This field provides the suggested latest total budget recommendation to be applied to a campaign so that the campaign does not go out of budget. | double | Metric | outOfBudgetRecommendations |
weekOf | The first day of the week-long window for the corresponding data. This field is valid only for the Search Term Impression Report. | date | Dimension | searchImpression |
Updated 4 months ago