Definition of Various Parameters Generated Across the Snapshot Reports

Note: All in-store metrics are currently in Open Beta and are only included in metrics with the prefix ‘inStore’. In-store metrics will have a 72-hour delay for data availability. 

Note: For more information, refer to the Campaign Reporting section here

ElementDescriptionData TypeElement TypeReport Type
adGroupIdId of the ad groupintegerDimensionadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
adSpendThe amount of budget spent in dollars

• adSpend can be retrieved by the formula: CPC*clicks   
• CPC Bid amount will be restricted to first two decimal places for advertisers. Any decimal digit beyond the first 2 digits will be truncated without rounding off
doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
advertisedItemIdItem Id of the item advertised in the ad by the customerintegerDimensionadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
advertisedSkuSales3daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
advertisedSkuSales14daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
advertisedSkuSales30daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
advertisedSkuUnits3daysUnits generated from the direct click of the advertised SKU, over 3 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
advertisedSkuUnits14daysUnits generated from the direct click of the advertised SKU, over 14 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
advertisedSkuUnits30daysUnits generated from the direct click of the advertised SKU, over 30 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedOrders3daysTotal attributed orders placed over 3 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedOrders14daysTotal attributed orders placed over 14 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedOrders30daysTotal attributed orders placed over 30 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributionTypeDescribes whether a purchase is attributed to a product advertised in the campaign or to other attribution logic. Values are : Advertised OtherStringDimensionattributedPurchases
attributedUnits3daysTotal attributed units sold over 3 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedUnits14daysTotal attributed units sold over 14 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedUnits30daysTotal attributed units sold over 30 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedSales3daysTotal attributed sales revenue made from units sold over 3 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedSales14daysTotal attributed sales revenue made from units sold over 14 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
attributedSales30daysTotal sales revenue made from units sold over 30 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
avgCapOutTimeThe average cap out time is the average time for which the campaign went out of budget in the last 7 days. This value is represented in military time e.g. 1000 refers to 10 AM.integerMetricoutOfBudgetRecommendations
biddedKeywordActual Keyword that was used in bidding  
Note: biddedKeyword column will provide bidded category path for rows reporting on category bids. i.e. when matchType is category
stringDimensionkeyword, videoKeywords
brandDifferent brands of items in your campaignstringDimensionbrand
brandAttributedSales3daysAttributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
brandAttributedSales14daysAttributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
brandAttributedSales30daysAttributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
campaignIdId of the campaign  Note: “campaignId” is mandatory metric for “outOfBudgetRecommendations”integerDimensionadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, outOfBudgetRecommendations, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
categoryCategories of the items in your campaignstringDimensioncategory
completeViewRevenue3daysThese metric tracks sales that are attributed to a full ad view within a 3-day window. It includes only the sales for the Advertisers SKU. 

Note:  The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
completeViewRevenue14daysThese metric tracks sales that are attributed to a full ad view within a 14-day window. It includes only the sales for the Advertisers SKU. 

Note:  The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
completeViewRevenue30daysThese metric tracks sales that are attributed to a full ad view within a 30-day window. It includes only the sales for the Advertisers SKU. 

Note:  The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
dateSpecific day and time for which the report is, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
directAttributedSales3daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
directAttributedSales14daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
directAttributedSales30daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
endDateThe last day of the window, for which a report is pulled Note: For “outOfBudgetRecommendations”, endDate refers to the end date of the 7 days’ time and is mandatorydateDimensionsearchImpression
haloCompleteViewRevenue3daysThis metric tracks sales attributed to a full ad view over a 3-day period. It considers only the sales of Other SKUs, excluding any Advertisers SKU sales.

Note:  The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
haloCompleteViewRevenue14daysThis metric tracks sales attributed to a full ad view over a 14-day period. It considers only the sales of Other SKUs, excluding any Advertisers SKU sales.

Note:  The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Advertised attributed sales.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
haloCompleteViewRevenue30daysThis metric tracks sales attributed to a full ad view over a 30-day period. It considers only the sales of Other SKUs, excluding any Advertisers SKU sales.

Note: The Attributed sales are measured specifically after a complete view, focusing on Other attributed sales.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
inStoreAdvertisedSales3days(Beta) In-store attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item, over 3 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreAdvertisedSales14days(Beta) In-store attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item, over 14 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreAdvertisedSales30days(Beta) In-store attributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the advertised item, over 30 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreAttributedSales3days(Beta) In-store total attributed sales revenue made from units sold, over 3 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreAttributedSales14days(Beta) In-store total attributed sales revenue made from units sold, over 14 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreAttributedSales30days(Beta) In-store total attributed sales revenue made from units sold, over 30 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreOrders3days(Beta) In-store total attributed orders over 3 day click.IntegerMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreOrders14days(Beta) In-store total attributed orders over 14 day click.IntegerMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreOrders30days(Beta) In-store total attributed orders over 30 day click.IntegerMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreOtherSales3days(Beta) In-store attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item, over 3 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreOtherSales14days(Beta) In-store attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item, over 14 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreOtherSales30days(Beta) In-store attributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item, over 30 day click.doubleMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreUnitsSold3days(Beta) In-store total attributed units, over 3 day click.integerMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreUnitsSold14days(Beta) In-store total attributed units, over 14 day click.integerMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
inStoreUnitsSold30days(Beta) In-store total attributed units, over 30 day click.integerMetricadItem, keyword, placement, pageType, platform
itemIdId of the itemintegerDimensionadItem
itemImageItem Image URL for items else Logo URL for itemId ‘1001’stringDimensionadItem
itemNameName of the itemstringDimensionadItem
keywordIdId of the keyword  
• keywordId holds good only for keywords added in manual campaigns. It will be returned empty for a keyword in auto campaign.  
• For Sponsored Brand campaigns and Sponsored Videos campaigns only: In snapshot report, keywordId will be empty for a row, showing category performance data i.e. the keywordId will be empty when the matchType is category.
integerDimensionkeyword, videoKeywords
matchTypeMatch type is a set of options to decide matching criteria for keywords
Match type values can be: exact, phrase, broad
stringDimensionkeyword, videoKeywords
missedClicksLowerThis field provides cumulative lower range of missed clicks over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 timeintegerMetricoutOfBudgetRecommendations
missedClicksUpperThis field provides cumulative upper range of missed clicks over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 timeintegerMetricoutOfBudgetRecommendations
missedImpressionsLowerThis field will provide cumulative lower range of missed impressions over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 timeintegerMetricoutOfBudgetRecommendations
missedImpressionsUpperThis field will provide cumulative upper range of missed impressions over last 7 days for a campaign which went out of budget (OOB) for T-1 timeintegerMetricoutOfBudgetRecommendations
monthOfThe first day of the month-long window for the corresponding data. This field is valid only for the Search Term Impression Report.dateDimensionsearchImpression
ntbOrders3daysThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 3 days. This metric includes all placement types.

Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbOrders14daysThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 14 days. This metric includes all placement types.

Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbOrders30daysThe number of first-time orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 30 days. This metric includes all placement types.

Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbUnits3daysThe number of units purchased from new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 3 days. This metric includes all placement types.

Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbUnits14daysThe number of units purchased from new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 14 days. This metric includes all placement types.

Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbUnits30daysThe number of units purchased from new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 30 days. This metric includes all placement types.

Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
integerMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbRevenue3daysThe total sales of new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 3 days.
This metric includes all placement types  
Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbRevenue14daysThe total sales of new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 14 days. 
This metric includes all placement types  
Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
ntbRevenue30daysThe total sales of new-to-brand orders for products within the brand, over a one year look back window attributed over 30 days.
This metric includes all placement types  
Note: refer to placement table for more info on placement types
doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, attributedPurchases, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
numAdsClicksNumber of ads clickedintegerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
numAdsShownNumber of ads shownintegerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
otherSkuSales3daysAttributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
otherSkuSales14daysAttributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
otherSkuSales30daysAttributed sales based off the direct click of the same brand as the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click. This is for online sales only.doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
otherSkuUnits3daysUnits generated from direct click of same brand as the advertised item over 3 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
otherSkuUnits14daysU~n~its generated from direct click of same brand as the advertised item over 14 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
otherSkuUnits30daysU~n~its generated from direct click of same brand as the advertised item over 30 day click. This is for online sales only.integerMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
pageTypeDifferent page types for page specific reports.   
The values for page types: browse, item, search, topic, category, homepage, other (any other pages not falling into the categories above)
placementThe location or placement to serve ads for keyword campaigns.   
Possible values are: Search In-grid, Browse In-grid, Search Carousel, Browse Carousel, Item Carousel, Buy Box, Home Page, Stock Up
platformThe platform where the campaign is running.   
The values for platform: mobile, desktop, app, others
purchasedItemIdItem Id of the item purchased by the customer attributable to advertiser’s campaignintegerDimensionattributedPurchases
purchasedItemNameItem name of the item purchased by the customer attributable to advertiser’s campaignstringDimensionattributedPurchases
relatedAttributedSales3daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the same brand and category as the advertised item in dollars, over 3 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
relatedAttributedSales14daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the same brand and category as the advertised item in dollars, over 14 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
relatedAttributedSales30daysAttributed sales revenue based off the direct click of the same brand and category as the advertised item in dollars, over 30 day click.  Note: This field is planned to be deprecated by 5/31doubleMetricadGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, pageType, placement, platform, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords
searchedKeywordsearchedKeyword field will provide:  
• search query entered by the site visitor, in an event when an ad is delivered on Search Carousel or Search In-grid placements  
• Item ID (anchor item) specific to the Item Page on which the ad is delivered, in an event when an ad is delivered on the item page placements  
Note: maximum character length of 60 characters is returned for searchedKeyword.
stringDimensionkeyword, searchImpression
searchedKeywordImpressionRankrank of search term, determined based on raw count of impressionsintegerMetricsearchImpression
searchedKeywordImpressionShareimpressions for a search term /Total eligible impressions for that search termdoubleMetricsearchImpression
startDateThe first day, of the window for which a report is pulled Note: For “outOfBudgetRecommendations”, startDate refers to the start date of the 7 days’ time and is mandatorydateDimensionoutOfBudgetRecommendations, searchImpression
totalCompleteViewOrders3daysThis metric tracks orders that are attributed to a full ad view within a 3-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU orders and Other SKU orders. The Attributed orders are measured specifically after a complete view, covering both Advertised and Other attributed sales.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
totalCompleteViewOrders14daysThis metric tracks orders that are attributed to a full ad view within a 14-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU orders and Other SKU orders. The Attributed orders are measured specifically after a complete view, covering both Advertised and Other attributed sales.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
totalCompleteViewOrders30daysThis metric tracks orders that are attributed to a full ad view within a 30-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU orders and Other SKU orders. The Attributed orders are measured specifically after a complete view, covering both Advertised and Other attributed sales.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
totalCompleteViewUnits3daysThis metric tracks the units sold, attributed to a full ad view within a 3-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU units sold and Other SKU units sold. The Attributed units sold are measured specifically after a complete view, encompassing both Advertised and Other attributed sales.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
totalCompleteViewUnits14daysThis metric tracks the units sold, attributed to a full ad view within a 14-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU units sold and Other SKU units sold. The Attributed units sold are measured specifically after a complete view, encompassing both Advertised and Other attributed sales.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
totalCompleteViewUnits30daysThis metric tracks the units sold, attributed to a full ad view within a 30-day period. It includes both Advertised SKU units sold and Other SKU units sold. The Attributed units sold are measured specifically after a complete view, encompassing both Advertised and Other attributed sales.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
tosSearchedKeywordImpressionRankTop of Search – Search term Impression rankintegerMetricsearchImpression
tosSearchedKeywordImpressionShareTop of Search – Search term Impression sharedoubleMetricsearchImpression
totalSales3daysThe total product sales that advertiser receives from their ads within 3 days attribution window from the date the ad was clickeddoubleMetricattributedPurchases
totalSales14daysThe total product sales that advertiser receives from their ads within 14 days attribution window from the date the ad was clickeddoubleMetricattributedPurchases
totalSales30daysThe total product sales that advertiser receives from their ads within 30 days attribution window from the date the ad was clickeddoubleMetricattributedPurchases
totalUnits3daysThe total units that advertiser receives from their ads within 3 days attribution window from the date the ad was clickedintegerMetricattributedPurchases
totalUnits14daysThe total units that advertiser receives from their ads within 14 days attribution window from the date the ad was clickedintegerMetricattributedPurchases
totalUnits30daysThe total units that advertiser receives from their ads within 30 days attribution window from the date the ad was clickedintegerMetricattributedPurchases
videoCompleteViewsThe number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100%.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
videoFirstQuartileViewsThe number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25%.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
videoImpressionsThe number of video impressions that met the MRC delivered impression standard; when the first frame of the video is renderedintegerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
videoMidpointViewsThe number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50%.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
videoThirdQuartileViewsThe number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75%.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
videoUnmutesThe number of impressions where the shopper unmuted the video.integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
video5SecondViewsThe number of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds, whichever is shorterintegerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewableImpressionsThe number of impressions that met the MRC viewability standard, which is 50% viewable with 2 seconds playback completedintegerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughOrders3daysThis evaluates the orders credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 3-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU orders and excluding other orders.  

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughOrders14daysThis evaluates the orders credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 14-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU orders and excluding other orders.  

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughOrders30daysThis evaluates the orders credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 30-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU orders and excluding other orders.  

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughSales3daysThis calculates the sales credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 3-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU sales and excluding other sales.  

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughSales14daysThis calculates the sales credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 14-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU sales and excluding other sales.  Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed sales are measured after a 2-second view.doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughSales30daysThis calculates the sales credited to a viewed ad (MRC defined view) within a 30-day window, specifically for the Advertised SKU sales and excluding other sales.  

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
doubleMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughUnitsSold3daysThis calculates the units sold by attributing them to ad views (MRC defined view) within a 3-day window. It considers only the units sold for the Advertised SKU and excludes any other units sold.

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughUnitsSold14daysThis calculates the units sold by attributing them to ad views (MRC defined view) within a 14-day window. It considers only the units sold for the Advertised SKU and excludes any other units sold.

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
viewThroughUnitsSold30daysThis calculates the units sold by attributing them to ad views (MRC defined view) within a 30-day window. It considers only the units sold for the Advertised SKU and excludes any other units sold.

Note: only for Advertised attributed sales, the attributed orders are measured after a 2-second view.
integerMetricvideoCampaigns, videoKeywords
suggestedLatestDailyBudgetThis field provides the suggested latest daily budget recommendation to be applied to a campaign so that the campaign does not go out of budget.doubleMetricoutOfBudgetRecommendations
suggestedLatestTotalBudgetThis field provides the suggested latest total budget recommendation to be applied to a campaign so that the campaign does not go out of budget.doubleMetricoutOfBudgetRecommendations
weekOfThe first day of the week-long window for the corresponding data. This field is valid only for the Search Term Impression Report.dateDimensionsearchImpression