Definition of Retrievable Reports

  • keyword: The performance of keywords you’re bidding on (available in Manual/Keyword bidding campaigns only). Data will only be included in the Keyword Performance report if at least one of the following is true:

    • Impressions are greater than 10
    • Ad spend is greater than $0.00
    • Attributed sales is greater than $0.00. 
  • adItem: The performance of ad items chosen in the ad groups in your campaign

  • platform: The performance of which device type the products in your campaign are displaying on

    • app – performance from the Walmart iOS and Android app
    • desktop – performance from the website on desktop and tablets
    • mobile – performance from the website on mobile web
    • others – performance from a platform we are unable to detect at the time 
  • pageType: The performance of those page types where the items in your campaign are showing on. E.g. Search Page, Browse Page, Item Page, Category page. 

    • browse – sub-category pages with algorithmic item selection (e.g. selecting the “Monitors” category in the “Electronics & Office” department) 
    • item – specific item pages 
    • search – search pages based on a customer’s query (e.g. searching “bed sets”) 
    • topic – custom curated search pages, found from searches outside of as search engines) that lead back to
    • category – category pages (e.g. selecting the “Feeding” category in the “Baby” department)
    • homepage – home page high visibility personalization carousels
      Note: This pageType report is only available for Auto Campaigns
    • other – any other pages not falling into the categories above or if our beacon was unable to track which page type the user was visiting
  • adGroup: The performance of individual ad groups within your campaign

  • brand: The Performance of the different brands within your campaign (available to Walmart suppliers only).

  • category: The performance of the categories of the items in your campaign (available to Walmart Suppliers only).

  • itemKeyword: The performance of individual items within your campaign, across searched Keywords for manual & auto bidding campaigns on Ingrid placements.

  • itemHealth: The performance of SKUs (items) that are part of the live ad campaigns. It enables advertisers to assess item health to select good SKUs from catalogue and improve campaign performance as a result. 

  • itemHealthV2: The performance of SKUs (items) that are part of the live ad campaigns. It enables advertisers to assess item health to select good SKUs from catalogue and improve campaign performance as a result. It is a new version of report type itemHealth under Snapshot Reports v1. With variant bidding launch, itemHealthV2 report will also include variant items. This new version includes primary variant id for a given item.

  • Few important points about itemhealth and itemHealthV2 reports are:

    • This report is available for both auto and manual campaigns
    • Only those items will be returned in the report which have been part of at least one active auto/manual campaign in ‘live’ status for at least 3 days.
    • The campaignIds and adGroupIds included in report response will only be for:
    • Campaigns that are live
    • Ad groups that are enabled for the date the report was generated
    • Request by “date”(extra field), start/end dates, and attributionWindow parameters are not applicable for Item Health report. The values provided will be ignored when requesting itemHealth snapshot report. However, these parameters are still required for all snapshot report generation. 
    • To know about health of cold start SKUs, users can create auto/manual campaign with SKUs they are interested in knowing health of.
    • You can find the item health report contents below
    • Look at recommended actions to improve the item health
  • Placement: The performance report for placements:

    • For a keyword campaign: Search In-grid, Carousel, Buybox, Others
    • For an Auto campaign: Search In-grid, Carousel, Buybox, Browse In-Grid, Stock Up, Home Page, Others

Note: For Auto campaigns, “carousel” in placement report includes aggregate performance across all ad carousels. For Manual campaigns, however, “carousel” includes “Item Page Carousel” and “Search Carousel”. These metrics are based on what placement is included as part of the campaign.

Note: Keyword Performance and Item Keyword reports both include data only if at least one of the following is true:

  • impressions are greater than 10
  • Ad spend is greater than $0.00
  • Attributed sale is greater than $0.00

Because of this you should expect a discrepancy between keyword reports and other reports so metrics should not be compared directly.