Definition of Columns in the Top Search Trends Report

reportDateThe cut-off date till when the report was generated.
e.g., If the report were requested today, the cut-off date of the report would be yesterday. Hence, the reportDate would be yesterday.
searchKeywordMost popular search keywords that shoppers are searching for to find items on
searchKeywordFrequencyRankNumeric ranking for a search keyword based on total number of times this keyword was searched on by shoppers for a given time period.integer
item1IdItem ID for the no. 1 selling item for the search keyword.
With variant bidding launch, this will also include variant items
item1NameItem name for the no. 1 selling item for the search keyword.string
item1BrandNameBrand name for the no. 1 selling item for the search keywordstring
item1ClickShareShare of the clicks that this item received for the given keyword.
Click share is a percentage determined by the number of times shoppers clicked on no. 1 selling item when searched for a given search keyword, divided by the total number of times shoppers clicked on any item when searched for the same search keyword
item1ConversionShareShare of the orders that this item received for the given keyword.
Conversion share is a percentage determined by the number of times shoppers purchased (ordered) no. 1 selling item when searched for a given search keyword, divided by the total number of times shoppers purchased (ordered) any item when searched for the same search keyword
item2IdItem ID for the no. 2 selling item for the search keyword
With variant bidding launch, this will also include variant items
item2NameItem name for the no. 2 selling item for the search keywordstring
item2BrandNameBrand name for the no. 2 selling item for the search keywordstring
item2ClickShareShare of the clicks that this item received for the given keyword
Click share is a percentage determined by the number of times shoppers clicked on no. 2 selling item when searched for a given search keyword, divided by the total number of times shoppers clicked on any item when searched for the same search keyword
item2ConversionShareShare of the orders that this item received for the given keyword
Conversion share is a percentage determined by the number of times shoppers purchased (ordered) no. 2 selling item when searched for a given search keyword, divided by the total number of times shoppers purchased (ordered) any item when searched for the same search keyword
item3IdItem ID for the no. 3 selling item for the search keywordstring
item3NameItem name for the no. 3 selling item for the search keyword
With variant bidding launch, this will also include variant items
item3BrandNameBrand name for the no. 3 selling item for the search keywordstring
item3ClickShareShare of the clicks that this item received for the given keyword
Click share is a percentage determined by the number of times shoppers clicked on no. 3 selling item when searched for a given search keyword, divided by the total number of times shoppers clicked on any item when searched for the same search keyword.
item3ConversionShareShare of the orders that this item received for the given keyword
Conversion share is a percentage determined by the number of times shoppers purchased (ordered) no. 3 selling item when searched for a given search keyword, divided by the total number of times shoppers purchased (ordered) any item when searched for the same search keyword.