Definition of columns in the Keyword Recommendations Reports

Columns in Keyword Recommendations snapshot

reportDateThe date when the report was generateddate
campaignIdUnique identifier for the campaign  string
campaignNameThe unique name of the campaign for the given campaign id  string
adGroupIdUnique identifier for Ad group for the given campaign id  string
adGroupNameName of the Ad group for the given ad group id  string
keywordTextText that defines the keyword  string
suggestedBidBid suggestion to bid in keyword campaigndouble

Columns in Match Type Keyword Recommendations snapshot

reportDateThe date when the report was generateddate
campaignIdUnique identifier for the campaign  string
campaignNameThe unique name of the campaign for the given campaign id  string
adGroupIdUnique identifier for Ad group for the given campaign id  string
adGroupNameName of the Ad group for the given ad group id  string
keywordTextText that defines the keyword  string
suggestedBidBid suggestion to bid in keyword campaigndouble
matchTypeMatch type for a given keyword and bidPossible values: exact, phrase, broadstring