Definition of Columns in Advanced Insights Report

#Metrics Release TagColumnDescriptionTypeElement TypeData Availability by Advertiser Type (1P and 3P)
1ExistingavailabilityStatusIndicates whether item can be added to cartstringMetricBoth 1P and 3P
2ExistingaverageRatingThis is the average rating this item has received from customers on Walmart.comfloatMetricBoth 1P and 3P
3NewbaseItemIdBase item ID for Catalog Item IDstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
4ExistingbaseVariantIdentifierIndicates whether item is set up as base or variantstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
5ExistingbrandNameBrand associated with itemstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
6NewbuyboxWinnerPriceThe item price of the winning Buy Box listing for this item at the time the report was generatedfloatDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
7ExistingcatalogItemIdUnique item identifierstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
8ExistingcatalogItemNameItem namestringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
9ExistingcategoryThe navigation path a customer would follow to find the item on by browsingstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
10ExistingGTINGlobal Trade Item NumberstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
11ExistinginventoryCountTotal number of items available to sell to customersintegerMetricBoth 1P and 3P
12NewitemCreationDateThe date the item was created on Walmart.comdateDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
13ExistingitemImageUrlURL for the item’s main imagestringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
14NewitemLastUpdatedDateThe date the item was most recently updated on Walmart.comdateDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
15ExistingitemPageUrlURL for item page on Walmart.comstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
16NewpageViewBasedAvailabilityRatePercentage (%) of page views where items are available for transactionsnumericMetricBoth 1P and 3P
17NewpageViewBasedBuyboxWinRatePercentage (%) of page views where the buy box is wonnumericMetricBoth 1P and 3P
18ExistingpriceThe price that is currently being charged for this item. This is the amount the Walmart customer seesfloatMetricBoth 1P and 3P
19ExistingpublishedStatusIndicates that the item is published and currently live (active) on Walmart.comstringMetricBoth 1P and 3P
20NewreplenishmentStatusA flag to provide info on continuous inventory flow for the Walmart SupplierstringMetric1P only
21ExistingreportDateThe snapshot date for the report. Data is updated as of 1 day before the report is pulleddateDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
22ExistingreviewCountTotal count of customer reviews for the itemintegerMetricBoth 1P and 3P
23ExistingUPCUniversal Product CodestringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P
24NewwalmartItemNumberItem number from the primary vendorstringDimension1P only
25NewwalmartProductIdWalmart’s unique identifier for the item. This is used internally to track itemsstringDimensionBoth 1P and 3P


  • The columns in the above table that are tagged as “Existing” were released in earlier phase (mid Oct 2023) and were initially accessible only to 1P Advertisers (Suppliers). With the latest release, these “Existing” columns are also available to 3p Advertisers (Marketplace Sellers).
  • The columns in the above table that are tagged as “New” are net new additions found under Advanced Insights. These “New” columns are available to both 1p Advertisers (Suppliers) and 3p Advertisers (Marketplace Sellers).