Create Report Snapshot


 You can request a snapshot file for all performance reporting data available (until the date before current date) for a given advertiser using this method

URL: POST/api/v2/snapshot/report

Request Parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequiredPossible Values
advertiserIdThe ID of the advertiserintegerYUnique numeric identifier for the advertiser. This is the advertising account id. This parameter can take only one advertiser Id for each snapshot report request.
reportTypeThe type of the performance report for which the snapshot should be generated.stringYTypes of Report: adGroup, adItem, brand, category, keyword, outOfBudgetRecommendations, pageType, platform, placement, attributedPurchases, searchImpression, videoCampaigns, videoKeywords This parameter can take one report type among the above possible report types in each snapshot report request.
reportMetricsChoose the metrics type for your snapshotstringYNot all metrics are applicable to all report types.   Each report requires at least one dimension to be included in the ‘reportMetrics’ parameter or else the report request will fail. This parameter can take one or more than one report metric among the possible report metrics in each snapshot report request.   Note: Possible reportMetrics values: Dimensions and Metrics that is accepted under reportMetrics, please refer to the table ” Definition of Various Parameters Generated Across the Snapshot Reports”
reportDateThe snapshot date for the report. Note:To fetch reports , please use either reportDate or Combination of startDate and endDate Using both together will result in an error. However, at least one of these must be defined. • _r_eportDate should not be defined for report type “outOfBudgetRecommendations” or “searchImpression“__dateYThe date should be in “yyyy-MM-dd” format. This parameter can take only one report date for the last 90 days for each snapshot report request.
startDateThe first day to be considered in the performance report snapshot. Note: -It cannot be the current date -startDate should not be defined for report type “outOfBudgetRecommendationsdateYThe date should be in “yyyy-MM-dd” format.
endDateThe last day to be considered in the performance report snapshot. It cannot be the current date. Note:To fetch reports , please use either reportDate or Combination of startDate and endDate Using both together will result in an error. However, one of these must be definedendDate should not be defined for report type “outOfBudgetRecommendationsdateYThe date should be in “yyyy-MM-dd” format.
  • The reports are snapshots at day level
  • POST and GET requests under Snapshot v2 endpoint will be counted towards Rate Limits
  • POST and GET requests are through Snapshot v2 endpoint
  • In Snapshot v2 endpoint, under reportMetrics, the user can pick and choose the dimensions and metrics as per their needs
  • Both Dimensions and Metrics are to be requested in reportMetrics parameter. Dimensions helps in defining the level of granularity at which the Metrics are to be retrieved
  • Each report requires at least one dimension to be included in the reportMetrics parameter else the report request will fail
  • To get report by campaigns, request report for adGroups and use the campaign ids returned in the report to aggregate the report by campaigns
  • The format of the report is CSV, and it will be enclosed in “gzip” file format by default
  • Not all reportMetrics are applicable to all reportTypes
  • Report Type: itemHealth is not part of Snapshots v2 endpoint. Item Health report will be available only on Snapshots v1 reports
  • Report Type: itemKeyword is not part of Snapshots v2 endpoint. Item Keyword report will be available only on Snapshots v1 reports