Create Audit Snapshot
You can create audit snapshots for selected entities for an advertiser using this method. You can retrieve audit snapshots for a window of last thirty days.
URL: POST/api/v1/snapshot/audit
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Possible Values |
advertiserId | The ID of the advertiser | integer | Y | A valid advertiser ID |
auditRequests | Request for audit information. Only one audit request is allowed per entity type per audit snapshot. This is an array holding following elements: entityType : Type of the entity for which you want to generate audit snapshot. entityIds : list of Ids of the entity type for which you want to generate audit snapshot. Note: 1) Max size of entityId list is 10. 2) Entity Ids should not be duplicate. 3) This field is required and must not be left empty fromDate : The starting date of the time frame for which you want snapshot of selected entities. toDate : The end date of the time frame for which you want snapshot of selected entities | auditRequests :string entityType : string entityIds : numeric fromDate : date toDate : date | Y | entityType (possible values): 1. campaign 2. adGroup 3. keyword 4. adItem 5. bidMultiplier 6. placement 7. sbaProfile 8. adGroupMedia 9. category entityIds : A valid entity id. The entityIds are: 1.campaign: campaignId 2. adGroup: adGroupId 3. keyword: keywordId 4. adItem: adItemId 5. bidMultiplier: campaignId 6. placement: campaignId 7. sbaProfile: sbaProfileId 8. adGroupMedia: adGroupMediaId 9. category: categoryBidId fromDate : Format is yyyy-MM-dd toDate : Format is yyyy-MM-dd |
format | Choose the format type for your snapshot | string | N | Types of Format: gzip, zip Note: gzip allows decompression while file is being transferred over the network, hence it is a faster and simpler way to download the reports. You will receive snapshot in zip format if no specific format is selected. |
Updated 4 months ago