Create Audit Snapshot


You can create audit snapshots for selected entities for an advertiser using this method. You can retrieve audit snapshots for a window of last thirty days.


URL: POST/api/v1/snapshot/audit

Query Parameters

ParameterDescriptionTypeRequiredPossible Values
advertiserIdThe ID of the advertiserintegerYA valid advertiser ID
auditRequestsRequest for audit information. Only one audit request is allowed per entity type per audit snapshot. This is an array holding following elements: entityType: Type of the entity for which you want to generate audit snapshot. entityIds: list of Ids of the entity type for which you want to generate audit snapshot. Note: 1) Max size of entityId list is 10. 2) Entity Ids should not be duplicate. 3) This field is required and must not be left empty fromDate: The starting date of the time frame for which you want snapshot of selected entities. toDate: The end date of the time frame for which you want snapshot of selected entitiesauditRequests:string entityType: string entityIds: numeric fromDate: date toDate: dateYentityType (possible values): 1. campaign 2. adGroup 3. keyword 4. adItem 5. bidMultiplier 6. placement 7. sbaProfile 8. adGroupMedia 9. category   entityIds: A valid entity id. The entityIds are: 1.campaign: campaignId 2. adGroup: adGroupId 3. keyword: keywordId 4. adItem: adItemId 5. bidMultiplier: campaignId 6. placement: campaignId 7. sbaProfile: sbaProfileId 8. adGroupMedia: adGroupMediaId 9. category: categoryBidId fromDate: Format is yyyy-MM-dd toDate: Format is yyyy-MM-dd
formatChoose the format type for your snapshotstringNTypes of Format: gzip, zip Note: gzip allows decompression while file is being transferred over the network, hence it is a faster and simpler way to download the reports.  You will receive snapshot in zip format if no specific format is selected.