Advertising Campaigns FAQs

If I am advertising all the variants with the same set of keywords, will WMT choose the variant product based on the keyword relevancy, inventory availability and Buy Box win for ads promotion?

Yes, ad serving will continue to work the same way it works today in our Advanced Second Price Auction. Item needs to be published, in stock, winning the buy box. Once the algorithm establishes the relevant products competing for placements, it looks at each product’s relevance (historical performance, customer intent, ad item contextual relevance) and max bid price and determines the auction winners.

Can I promote any item in my portfolio?

Yes, you may promote any item that is eligible within your portfolio.

Q. I’m promoting X # of variants but only one variant keeps winning (gets the most impressions) most of the time. How should I proceed?

Look at our Sponsored Product tools such as the item health report, or the keyword performance. Think about the keywords you are bidding on for each variant item. Think about the bid price you are promoting for each variant. Look at the popularity for each variant. Create new campaigns and use unique identifiers for your keyword list. Refer to our best practices guide for more information. Lastly, ensure your PDP pages are up-to-date and filled out correctly.

Will suggested bids still be provided for variant items?

The bid suggestions will be at a product level when variant bidding launches for automatic campaigns.

How many items can I add to the ad group within a sponsored product campaign?

The current limit per ad group, as it exists today, is 2,000 items and will remain the same for variant bidding. The user is shown a warning label that they have reached the limit.

Can variants be added to existing campaigns? (in-flight campaigns)?

Yes, variants can be added to existing campaigns.