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Taxonomy by Spec

The Taxonomy by Item spec API exposes the category taxonomy that uses to categorize items for each Item spec version. It returns a list of all Categories and Sub-categories available on for the Item spec version you specify. You can specify the feedType and version for these available Item specs. Make sure to specify the corresponding version that is available for that feed type:

  • Item spec 3.2 feed type: item
  • Item spec 4.0 feed types: MP_ITEM, MP_WFS_ITEM, or MP_MAINTENANCE
  • Item spec 4.1 feed types: MP_WFS_ITEM, or MP_MAINTENANCE
  • Item spec 4.2 feed types: MP_ITEM or MP_WFS_ITEM
  • Item spec 4.3 feed types: MP_ITEM or MP_MAINTENANCE
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