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Create Inbound Shipment label (deprecated)

Generates WFS shipping labels in PDF format for receiving purposes. This is not a carrier label; these labels are required for the FC to identify the Inbound Order and Shipment ID they are receiving. After requesting the shipping label, sellers must work with the warehouse/ supplier to follow these steps before sending any Shipments to WFS FCs:

  1. Print the WFS shipping label.
  2. Fill out the FILL OUT section based on the seller’s packing situation. For example, if a seller plans to ship three boxes to the WFS fulfillment center, print out three labels and fill out BOX 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3 in the FILL OUT section.
  3. Circle one shipment type in the CIRCLE ONE section. For example, if there are different SKUs in the box, circle the MIXED SKUS in the CIRCLE ONE section.
  4. Affix the WFS shipping labels to the boxes/pallets.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!