Using filters when requesting reports

The On-Request Reports API enables you to add filters to your report requests. Filters help you control which data is returned in the report. There are three types of filters, and you can use more than one in a request call.

Note: Using filters is optional and some report types don't support filters.

The filters are included in the request body of a POST Create Report API request.

Row filters

Row filters enable you to limit the rows returned in a report request. To use a row filter, specify the columns to filter and provide the filter criteria.

Types of row filters

Filter TypeDescription
Enum filterFilters columns with an Enum data type.
Range filterFilters columns with numeric or date/time data types. Specify both the starting (from) and ending (to) values.
Multi-value filterFilters columns with a string data type based on an exact match. When multiple values are provided, the filter uses OR logic.

Supported report types

The following report types support row filters:

  • ITEM

Exclude column filter

Exclude specific columns from the report output. You must specify which columns to exclude.

Supported report types

The following report types support this filter:

  • ITEM

Date range filters

Customize the lookback period for reports that aggregate historical data by specifying a start and end date. For example, you can request data from the past 30 days or the past year.

Supported report type

The ITEM_PERFORMANCE report type supports this filter.

This report type supports a lookback period of up to two years. If no values are passed, the report will default to a lookback period of the past 30 days.