Top trending items
Use the Top Trending Items API to generate a list of top 20 current best-selling items on and add them to your offerings. You can identify the top-selling items in each department or department category, and discover the top-selling items at Walmart during the holiday season.
Example API response
{ "status": "SUCCESS", "payload": { "items": [ { "departmentName": "BATH AND SHOWER", "isbn": "", "categoryName": "BATH DECOR", "productName": "High Precision Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Ultra-Wide Platform and Easy-to-Read Backlit LCD,400 Pounds", "subCategoryName": "BATH SCALES", "isTwoDayEligible": 0, "itemId": "297382621", "totalOffers": 1, "issn": "", "superDepartmentName": "20 BATH AND SHOWER", "existsForSeller": 0, "rank": 1, "brand": "POCFGST" }
Updated 7 days ago