Simplified Shipping Settings

Simplified Shipping Settings APIs are designed to provide sellers with the information required to provide customers with accurate shipping expectations.

These API endpoints provide sellers with the tools for updating settings such as fulfillment center configurations, account level configurations, creating new account level configurations, and more.


  • API Keys (clientID and clientSecret)
  • Seller Center Account Access

Market Availability

This collection of API endpoints is available for sellers in: USA


Version 1.0 2/4/2025

Simplified Shipping Settings Endpoints

Sellers can use these endpoints to quickly access information required to make informed shipping decisions.

  • POST account: Create account configurations
  • PUT account: Update account configurations
  • GET simplifiedShippingSettings: Retrieve account and fulfillment center configurations
  • PUT Override fulfillment center configurations
  • POST feeds: Migrate offers between manual and SSS templates