Shipping overrides (Deliverr 3PL only)

Use shipping overrides to specify shipping attributes such as ShipMethod, ShipRegion, and ShipPrice. To do so, use the Update Items in Bulk API and the Shipping Override feed.

For more information about shipping attributes, see our Marketplace Learn support article: Shipping Methods and Timing.

For ShippingOverrideAction, you can set up the following values:

REPLACE_ALL: This action value replaces all existing shipping overrides with the given shipping override.

DELETE_ALL: This action value deletes all the shipping orders, and there will be NO shipping override.

Note: If no action element exists, the action will not be performed, and the override will be kept as-is.


<xsd:enumeration value="REPLACE_ALL"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="DELETE_ALL"/>

Shipping override spec

Download the Shipping Override API JSON spec from: