Request an item performance report

The On-Request Item Performance report provides insights into the performance data of the seller's catalog.

Note: Item Performance reports support date range filters. The max lookback period supported is two years. If no values are passed, the report will default to a lookback period of the past 30 days.

Report field descriptions

The CSV report file contains the following fields. The identifiers can be specified by either the seller or Walmart.

Product NameTitle of the productSeller
Item IDAn identifier number that the seller uses to identify the productWalmart
SKU IDUnique identifier for the itemSeller
Super DepartmentSuper department that the product belongs toSeller
DepartmentDepartment that the product belongs toWalmart
CategoryCategory of this productWalmart
Sub CategorySub category of this productWalmart
BrandName, term, design, or other feature that distinguishes one seller’s product from those of others. This can be the name of the company associated with the product.Seller
GMVGross Merchandise Value. This is Authorized Sales minus Canceled Sales minus Refunded SalesWalmart
CommissionThe commission paid to Walmart, taken from GMVWalmart
GMV-CommissionGMV minus CommissionWalmart
AURAverage Unit Retail. This is (Authorized Sales – Canceled Sales)/ (Authorized Units – Canceled Units)Walmart
Total UnitsAuthorized Units minus Canceled UnitsWalmart
legacySlrIdUnique seller IDWalmart
Cancelled UnitsTotal number of units canceledWalmart
Cancelled SalesTotal sales that were canceledWalmart
Item Conversion RatePercentage of the number of orders that are converted into sales. This is the total orders sold divided by total item (offer) visitsWalmart
Base Item IdUnique item identifierWalmart
Total Product VisitsNumber of times customers visited the item at an offer levelWalmart
GMV Comp %GMV comparison to last year GMV. This is (GMV TY – GMV LY)/GMV LYWalmart
Authorized OrdersTotal purchase orders that were placed and authorizedWalmart
Authorized UnitsNumber of authorized units that were soldWalmart
Authorized SalesTotal authorized item salesWalmart
Total LY GMVLast year GMV of the productWalmart
Product Level PageviewsNumber of times customers visited the item at a product levelWalmart
Product Level Conversion RatePercentage of the number of items that are converted into sales. This is the total orders sold divided by total product visitsWalmart
Refunded SalesTotal refunded item salesWalmart