Request an inventory report

Sellers can use the on-request Inventory report to view their entire inventory for all items across all fulfillment centers.

Once the report is available, sellers can download it to return all the information associated with the items that are set up on Walmart’s platform.

OPTIONAL: Use an app to parse the CSV file

Instead of downloading the CSV file, you can use an app to parse the CSV file for you. You can use the Java code shown in the Pre-generated Reports guide. See Parse reports CSV file with Java.

What’s in the report file

The report shows individual rows for each fulfillment center that holds inventory for that item. For example, if you have one item at four fulfillment centers, you will see four rows in the report for that item, each row for the corresponding fulfillment center (the ship node).

Here is an example to show the Report CSV file opened in a spreadsheet application.

Note: All example API calls shown assume the Walmart API endpoint:

Report field descriptions

The CSV report file contains the following fields. The identifiers can be specified by either the seller or Walmart.

SKUSeller-specified unique identifier for the itemSeller
Item IDWalmart-specified identifier for the itemWalmart
Product NameName of the itemSeller
Ship Node IDIdentifies the Fulfillment Center (Ship Node)Walmart
Ship Node NameName of the fulfillment center or ship node. This is a custom name that the seller can create to identify the ship node. For example: TwoDay_WestCoast or CA_Standard.Seller
Input QuantityQuantity of an item that is input by the seller. This amount represents total item inventory including items that are sold but not yet shipped.Seller
AvailToSell QuantityQuantity of an item that is currently in-stock and available to sell. This inventory count does not show any items that are committed to open, undelivered orders.Walmart

Item has zero inventory count and N/A for ship node

If a row in the report holds the values for these four columns, it implies that the corresponding item was not updated since the ingestion:

  • Ship Node ID = N/A
  • Ship Node Name = N/A
  • Input Quantity = 0
  • AvailToSell Quantity = 0

To update item inventory, Call POST Update Item Inventory per Ship Node API. For more details about inventory updates, see Update item inventory.