Request an assortment recommendations report

Assortment recommendations empower sellers understand customer demand in Walmart and the market by curating personalized seller recommendations by leveraging demand signals such as:

  • Internal and external search
  • Best sellers
  • Trending items
  • And more

Assortment recommendations can be bulk downloaded (max. 50K) by using reportType = ASSORTMENT_RECOMMENDATIONS. Assortment recommendations in the bulk report can be shortlisted to set up items on Walmart using the Item Setup APIs or Item setup bulk upload.

rowFilters such as multiValueFilterenumFilter and rangeFilter can be used to get specific results on the on-request report. 


This can be used to filter based on a certain parameter. Currently, the parameters supported are BRANDCATEGORY, and PRODUCT TYPE. A maximum of seven data types can be sent in the list of values connected to the parameter. There shouldn’t be any empty or null values. When applying a multiValueFilter, the OR operator is used between the values. 


This can be used to filter based on preset parameters and their associated values. Currently, the parameters supported are:

  1. ITEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS that defines whether the item is currently available on Walmart or is new to Walmart. Values for the filter can be as follows:
  2. SHOPPING_TRENDS that indicates the demand types identified in the market for an item. An item can have more than one value for this parameter. Values for the filter can be as follows:
  3. DEMAND_SALES_TRENDS can be used to filter in-demand items based on the monthly seasonality. The filter is a multi-value filter. Values for the filter can be as follows:
    • JAN
    • FEB
    • MAR
    • APR
    • MAY
    • JUN
    • JUL
    • AUG
    • SEP
    • OCT
    • NOV
    • DEC

This can be used to filter based on a range. You must pass a parameter with floor range value or ceiling range value or both values. Currently, the support parameter value is PRICE for the rangeFilter. The range filter for price is applied on Walmart item prices and/ or competition item prices to fetch the corresponding recommendations.

On-request Assortment Recommendations API Rate Limit: 2 API calls per seller per hour

The downloaded file will have the following attributes:

Item Recommendation Unique IdyesUnique ID assigned to each recommended item that can used to reject the recommendations
Item nameyesName of the recommended item
BrandyesBrand of the recommended item
CategoryyesCategory of the recommended item
Price CurrencyyesCurrency in which item prices are shown
Item Availability StatusyesHighlights whether the recommended item is new to Walmart or is an existing item on Walmart. Corresponding values can be EXISTING_IN_WALMART or NEW_TO_WALMART
GTINnoGTIN of the recommended item
UPCnoUPC of the recommended item
ISBNnoISBN of the recommended item
EANnoEAN of the recommended item
Walmart Item IDnoItem ID of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart. This can be used to set up the item using Item Set up by Match APIs
Walmart URLnoURL of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart.
Walmart item pricenoPrice of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart. 
Walmart Shipping PricenoShipping Price of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart. Shipping price = 0 indicates free shipping.
Walmart Total PricenoTotal Price (Item Price + Shipping Price) of the recommended item on Walmart. It will be populated if it is an existing item on Walmart.
WFS IndicatornoHighlights if the recommended item is eligible to be on WFS on Walmart. 
Competitor item IDnoItem ID of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace. 
Competitor URLnoURL of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace. 
Competitor Item PricenoPrice of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace. 
Competitor Shipping PricenoShipping Price of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace. 
Competitor Total PricenoTotal Price (Item Price + Shipping Price) of the recommended item on a competitor marketplace. 
Potential SalesyesIndicates the potential revenue the recommended item can bring in totality in a year on Walmart by one or multiple sellers. The values can be $0K-$10K, $10K-$50K, $50K-$100M, $100M+
Shopping TrendsnoIndicates the demand types of an item. Values can be 
1. Best Sellers – Item is best seller in the market 
2. Deal Items – Item is in demand and is a part of deals in the other marketplaces
3. Most Searched For – Item is most searched for in the market 

An item can have multiple shopping trends.
Product TypeyesProduct type of an item that can be used to set up this item using Item Setup APIs or Item setup bulk upload.
Potential Sales RankyesRank of an item, from 1 to 10 (1 being highest), that indicates the relative potential sales of a product in a category. This is an estimate based on customer demand, historical category sales, and some other data points.
Demand Sales TrendsyesMonths of the year when high demand is observed for the recommended item. The sequence of month is in the decreasing order of the high demand. The values are comma separated. Values can beJAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC
Weekly Demand TrendsyesSales trends of the item over 52-weeks of a year on a scale of 0 to 1 (1 being the highest).
Example w1:0.16,w2:0.25,w3:0.66,....,w52:0.21 where w1 is week 1 of the year, w2 is week 2 and so on.
Monthly Demand TrendsyesSales trends of the item over 12-months of the year on a scale of 0 to 1 (1 being the highest).
Example jan:0.74,feb:0.14,mar:0.66,..,dec:0.92
No. of offersnoTotal number offers on this Item on Walmart. 
Search KeywordsnoMost popular keywords that people have searched for, where the item shows up in the result set.
Weekly Price TrendsnoPrice trends for the recommended item in the marketplace currency for rolling 52-weeks. The trends may not be available for all 52 months. Array will be empty if the trends do any exist for an recommendation.
For example: w50:34.99,w51:34.99,w52:35.66, w1:35.99,....,w49: 34.99 where w50 is week 1 of the year, w2 is week 2 and so on. `
Monthly Price TrendsnoPrice trends for the recommended item in the marketplace currency for rolling 12-weeks. The data may not be available for all 12 weeks. The format is as monthYear. The array will be empty if the trends do exist for a recommendation.  
For example: oct23:50:34.99,nov23:50:34.99,dec23:34.99,jan24:35.66, feb24:35.99,....,sep24:34.99`