Request a promotions report

Sellers can use the on-request promotions report to view all active and future promotions that are set up with advance price information within a timeframe. The report provides information about promotional prices, including a start and end date for a promotional price to be active for an item and other information.

You can use the Promotions Report API to process and download the zipped CSV file. The report contains only promotional prices with status: Activated, Deactivated, Updated or Created.

OPTIONAL: Use an app to parse the CSV file

Instead of downloading the CSV file, you can use an app to parse the CSV file for you, you can use the Java code shown in the Pre-generated Reports guide. See Parse reports CSV file with Java.

What’s in the report file

The downloaded zip file provides the .csv file with the following information about your item promotions:

SKUUnique ID of the productSeller
Item IDNumeric identifier that uniquely identifies the itemWalmart
Product NameName of the productSeller
Product CategoryCategory of the productWalmart
Promo IDUnique ID of the promotionWalmart
Promo Effective DateThe date the promotion beginsSeller
Promo Expiration DateThe date the promotion endsSeller
Current PricePromotion Price of the productSeller
Current Price CurrencyCurrency of the promotion price of the productSeller
Comparison PriceBase price of the product without promotionSeller
Comparison Price CurrencyCurrency of the base price of the productSeller
Promotion TypePossible values are: Clearance, Reduced, or BaseSeller
Promotion StatusStatus of the promotion.
Possible values are: Created, Updated, Activated, or Deactivated.