Request a CPA report

The CPA report provides the Item Opt-in file with all SKUs that are eligible for a competitive price adjustment. If a SKU is not in this report, it is not eligible. If there are no SKUs and report is empty, then none of your items are eligible for price adjustment.

If the price displayed and charged to the customer is lower than the price submitted by the Seller for the item, the Seller receives the same payment for the item as if the item’s price was not adjusted.

For example, Seller sets the price of its eligible item at $50, with $5 shipping. The price displayed to the customer is $48 with $5 shipping, and the customer is charged $48, with $5 shipping. Seller receives payment for the sale as if the price charged and paid was $50 and $5 shipping.

OPTIONAL: Use an app to parse the CSV file

Instead of downloading the CSV file, you can use an app to parse the CSV file for you, you can use the Java code shown in the Pre-generated Reports guide. See Parse reports CSV file with Java.

Report field descriptions

The CSV report file contains the following fields. The identifiers can be specified by either the seller or Walmart.

SKUAn arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, assigned by the Seller to each item in the XSD.Seller
SKU OPT INThe opt in status for the SKUSeller
PRODUCT NAMEThe product name on Walmart.comWalmart
CURRENCYThe currency associated with price and shipment. (e.g., USD for US Dollars)Seller
PRICEThe item’s current priceSeller
SHIP PRICEThe shipping price of the specified itemSeller