Report status notification

The Report Status notification is triggered when the report requested by the seller using the Create Report Request API moves to a READY status and is available for download.

When the Report Status notification event occurs, the seller will receive the response payload on the destination URL, as given in the samples.

  • Event Type: REPORT_STATUS
  • Event Version: V1
  • Resource Name: REPORTS

Response parameters

sourceEvent meta informationObject
eventTypeEvent for which the notification is receivedString
eventTimeTime at which the event occursString
eventIdUnique ID of the eventString
payloadEvent detailsObject
partnerIdSeller’s Partner IDString
requestIdUnique ID for the Report generation requestString
requestStatusStatus of the Report generation requestString
requestSubmissionDateRequest submission timeString
reportGenerationDateReport generation timeString
reportTypeType of ReportString
reportVersionVersion of ReportString
errorDescriptionError description, in case of an errorString

Sample payload 1: Report status event

"source": {
"eventType": "REPORT_STATUS",
"eventTime": "2020-07-03T14:12:42.913Z",
"eventId": "03d34580-61d4-11ea-9e23-cd38810ff7cd"
"payload": {
"partnerId": "10902014482",
"requestId": "6da7357b-1c3b-4c1d-9685-ca2931eb96b4",
"requestStatus": "READY",
"requestSubmissionDate": "2020-12-10T07:08:35.393Z",
"reportGenerationDate": "2020-12-10T07:21:34.473Z",
"reportType": "ITEM",
"reportVersion": "v1"

Sample payload 2: Report status even

"source": {
"eventType": "REPORT_STATUS",
"eventTime": "2020-07-03T14:12:42.913Z",
"eventId": "e435c380-fbe6-11ea-bc39-c314c32822dc"
"payload": {
"partnerId": "10902014482",
"requestId": "6da7357b-1c3b-4c1d-9685-ca2931eb96b4",
"requestStatus": "ERROR",
"requestSubmissionDate": "2020-12-10T07:08:35.393Z",
"reportGenerationDate": "2020-12-10T07:21:34.473Z",
"reportType": "ITEM",
"reportVersion": "v1",
"errorDescription": "Your report request has resulted in error. Please try creating a new request."