Reject Recommendations API

The Reject recommendation API is used to reject recommendations which are irrelevant. Models are trained based on your feedback to improve future recommendations.


Reject Recommendation Rate Limit: 20 API calls per seller per hour.


  • Use ITEM as the recommendationType
  • Add a corresponding filterCriteria like searchText, multiValueFilter, enumFilter, rangeFilter,or add a list of itemRecommendationUniqueId.
  • Add valid rejection code(s) to the API call. The table below is a list of possible rejection codes.
rejection codeDescription
NOT_SELLING_THESE_ITEMSAs a seller, I don’t intend to sell these items on Walmart.
NOT_SELLING_THESE_BRANDSAs a seller, I don’t intend to sell these brands on Walmart.
NOT_SELLING_THESE_CATEGORIESAs a seller, I don’t intend to sell these categories on Walmart.
LIMITED_TO_OTHER_MARKETPLACEAs a seller, I intend to sell the rejected items only on other marketplaces.
ALREADY_SELLING_ON_WALMARTI am already selling these items on Walmart.
OTHER_REASONMandatory to add customRejectionMessage